Tagged: Les Ecorches

Mib Spark

Hey Guys, When Lawrence shoots the man in black, there’s a spark. As if the bullet hit something metal. Steven Milazzo

Time Passes in Different Realities

Hey Guys, So, the Nolan’s wrote Inception. They are intimately aware of how time passes in different “realities”. In one case dreams, but in another, simulations. As we know, AI moves much faster than the human mind by the time Westworld comes around. The whole purpose for the Cradle is...

Westworld Theories

Hi R-G-BD, I have a theory about The Valley Beyond. Someone mentioned that the Valley is where the Sea is that separates Westworld from Rajworld Here is my theory…and what it is too. (but I understand if it is not new to anybody) We see that in some time line...

Short Point!

Hey Guys, Didn’t see Dolores take the control unit out of pop’s head, what if the switcheroo is on and she took Bernard’s, replacing it with a DUMMY on a fragment loop, allowing Dolores to bring Ford to the valley beyond? Bill from NJ

No Coincidence

Hey guys, I have a theory that was kinda popular last season but hasnt really been mentioned this season. I believe Bernard/Arnold’s child “Charlie” is actually Charlotte Hale. Perhaps Bernard’s implanted memories have switched the gender of his child. It just seem too coincidental that the actor playing Charlie even...

Westworld Thoughts

Hello, I love your guys’ podcast and look forward to analyses of the show. One thing that has been mentioned but not really dove into is the level of “wokeness”/consciousness between Maeve and Dolores. In my opinion, on episode 203, it was very much in our face that Dolores is...

Bernard Is Ford’s Construct and Foil

Hey guys and gal! With regards to the cradle and the multiple Bernards, I’d like to share a few thoughts. Bullet to the head Bernard is Ford’s construct and foil. His humanizing soul, built to therapize hosts and make them more human. Scarless Bernard is Bernard’s body carrying some other...

Comparing Maeve to a Boy Losing His Virginity

Hey Guys, Watched WW on Tuesday night and just listened to the Deep Dive on my way to work this morning. I didn’t think this episode lived up to the first four in this season. I didn’t think it was a bad episode, it was just a little cheesy at...