Tagged: The Watch Read

Wayne Died in the Finale

Hey Guys, I listen to a few TD3 podcasts, and nobody picked up on what I thought was a pretty clear allegory to Wayne’s death. In the 2nd to last scene, Amelia more or less come to “fetch” him with some dialog that could be interpreted in a few ways,...

The Watch

I enjoyed your deep dive on season 8, and was glad the three of you could point out so many strengths to the season and episode. I however did not enjoy the finale, but not because I did not appreciate the ending of the story, but because I found the...

TD S3E8: A Waste of Tinfoil

Hey Guys, Can I remind you guys that this is ‘True Detective’ not True Love or True Life… if the story’s mystery is a MacGuffin then we all wasted a lot of tinfoil over the last 7 episodes. I agree with your assessment of episode 8 -if we were watching...

Family was the thing

Guys, We got a great end to a great season. Sometimes a soft/subdued ending is better than a hardcore “guns are blazing” type ending. I think that the finale really focused on family: Hoyt – in his warped way, all he wanted to do was to help his daughter and...

True Detective Finale – Great Acting, Strangely Unsatisfying

Hello. I’m writing you because, of all the commentators I’ve seen, you seem most to combine intelligence with the experience to evaluate things in a realistic manner. Most commentators, even ones who are obviously bright, just don’t have the sense of history, or, apparently, real life, to interpret things except...

True Detective Finale Season 3

Dear shat What an ending. I know some will be disappointed, I know some are frustrated. I think that’s one of the many commentaries that nic p is ultimately getting at. Personally, I feel like that was an amazing ending to a great season. Perhaps, the best season of this...

True Detective Finale

Hey Guys, It was okay, but still left me with a lot of questions. Maybe these were answered and I totally missed it, but did Hoyt get away with everything? His only consequence was no heirs to inherit that mansion, so it fell into disrepair? Why did Nicky P provide...

True Detective: Father-Daughter Relationships

Hi there, Listening to your podcast has made me enjoy season 3 of True Detective even more. It has stimulated me to think deeper, but without getting too caught up in tinfoil. Thank you for a great podcast. The season finale was a bit too feel-good for me at some...