Tagged: Telegraph Read

Low-Budget Season 5

Hi all, So I like the ‘start with the beauty’ thing you all are doing so I’ll start the email with that. Aaron Paul this episode for me was fantastic. You lot pointed out that Caleb was the only real emotional part of the episode and I agree. A major...

The Gamification Of Westworld

Hey Shat Crew, I have to begin this with an admission.. Each week I would hope that you were wrong on your instacasts and that the episodes were actually really good, but we just didn’t realize it yet. Sadly, that was not the case this year. Some of these episodes...

Westworld Season 4 Finale – Thoughts

Hi guys, Listened to your Instacast and Review and looking forward to your Telegraph. My question from the finale: Why did the show runners wait so long to tell us that the sublime can be opened from both sides? Charlores tells William this during their fight and my guess is...


Hi Guys, Listened to your insta podcast and wanted to share my feedback – especially when you spoke about listeners dropping off now as we are at the end of season. I have only just caught up in the series to be able to input to you guys. Have listened...

Questions About Christina

Ash, Gene, and Big D, I seek help. It was established that Christina was living not in the real New York, but in a simulation. This raises questions to which I have no answers. * How did Christina see host-Caleb in the fidelity testing room? Why would Hale make that...

Think This Is My Stop

Hey Hosts! Alert the CDC, I think we have another TV victim of the pandemic. I wonder how much of the show was hampered by shooting restrictions or budget limits. But you’re not the only ones to find this season lacking in so many ways. So many things were told...

Clementine Was Done Dirty

Well, Shat Crew. I’m going to try and do what you guys have done the last few weeks and try and see the beauty in a few things from this finale before I start, because…man, I honestly really did not like this episode. First, I absolutely loved hearing the words...

Longest Email Ever About W S4 Finale

The rant begins… The season 4 finale should have been episode 7. The man in black walking to Bowie’s Man Who Sold The World WAS the mic drop. The Christina stuff was boring, slow AF and not engaging throughout the entire season. Then it’s revealed that everyone in Christina’s world...