Tagged: Telegraph Read

Dolores Good, Halores Bad?

Hey Hosts, Happy final westworld week! I am writing about a few points made in the instacast. I don’t think the writers made Halores instantly good. She was always “good” for being pro-host. She was just vengeful, evil to humans she felt were evil to her. She had good intentions...

Above Average Season

Folks – first of all, a big thank you for all of your wonderful WW coverage this season – it has been a great journey! A few comments on this season: – We got a scene with Rebus – love anything that Steven Ogg is in!! -The season finale certainly...

Your Instant Takes Were Too Kind

Hey, y’all (to borrow a line…), I’ll keep it brief as you all hit nearly every major point in describing how utterly worthless the Westworld season four finale was. I’ll simply say I agree with your negative assessments of the key points–I actually said out loud to my wife afterward...

Season Finale & Beyond

Greetings Shats & Shatees, I’ve been an off & on follower of yours since y’all started, and It’s nice to be back. I’m glad Ashley stuck it out, as I recall fans being very unkind to her in very vocal & hurtful ways. I’ll admit, like all podcasts, and just...

Things Get Clearer After Rewatching

Guys, I experienced some of the same confusion with the arcs of Hale, Caleb, and Christina from my first watch but going back I clarified my doubts. First, William had a pretty good head start on Hale to the Sublime site. He left in the truck before the title credits...

Westworld Finale – So Many Questions

Hey Shat Crew, I enjoyed the final episode of Westworld season 4. I enjoyed the whole season. As much as season 1 & 2? Hell no, but it was a worthwhile way to spend an hour every Sunday night and few hours during the week listening to your pods. Then...

What Is Christina?

Hello All: Was listening to the Deep Dive this morning where you guys were talking about what could Christina possibly be or rather what is her point in existing, Could Christina just be the Original Copy? I dont know how to explain the idea I have in my head, this...


Hello Shat crew. I would very much like to thank the person that figured out that Teddy was brought out of the sublime by Bernard. I think I was hung up on the idea that Teddy would need a ‘body’ to inhabit, but if he’s in VR, problem solved, sort...