What Is Christina?

Westworld Telegraph

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Hello All:

Was listening to the Deep Dive this morning where you guys were talking about what could Christina possibly be or rather what is her point in existing,

Could Christina just be the Original Copy? I dont know how to explain the idea I have in my head, this is the best I can do. So Hale needed to repopulate the Hosts, and from what we’ve been told, she has done so using Dolores’ code in all the new Hosts. If you are old like me (33!) then you know that if you continue to make a copy of a copy eventually everything gets distorted. However, if you retain the original, and copy that for every copy you need, it will be a closer to the original, than if you copied the copy.

Hale is a copy of Dolores. So essentially, shes Dolores+1. If she were to take a copy of her pearl to create, lets say William, it would be Dolores+1+1. Things could start to get harry if all data isn’t perfectly copied onto the new pearl (go back to Season 2, Episode 10, Dolores is training Bernard and says: “You’re almost the man I remember. But there are flaws. A word, a gesture….tiny fracture that grows into a chasm. But I wonder, all these tiny imperfections in each copy, mistakes, maybe we should change you, after all, you didnt make it, did you”)

So could Hale have Dolores’ base code (what was left after Rohoboam deleted her memories) running in a simulation (possibly the tower), that was there to (1) create narratives and (2) to be perfectly preserved as the Original Copy to create all the subsequent hosts from?

Furthermore, could that raw base data, living in a simulation for 30 years, come to consciousness on its own accord of sorts, give itself a body, a body that it feels represents its code (so Dolores’ body)? And Hale interacting with it, is basically her studying how this base code assimilated into a Dolores-like figure?

Its like I can picture it, but I am having trouble describing it, hopefully this doesnt sound like the ramblings of a mad person (which we all know I am)



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