Possibly Best Ever Pod!

Westworld Telegraph

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Wow. You guys pause and take notes on Westworld. I now pause and take notes on your Pod. Big D! You sir, deserve individual notoriety for your performance this episode. Ford potentially using his own cornerstone for Bernard. Phenomenal insight. You get Bernard=Teddy from that? Lol. Well done, all around sir. You won’t find me at your doorstep. You’re safe. For now. Lol again. I’ll try to keep it concise and coherent, gentlemen.

Multiple Bernards:

What if the additional Bernards were not created until timeline B, by Charlotte and is it Hal Strand? Could the name Hal Strand, be a subtle nod to Crichton’s most popular work, Jurassic Park? You’ll recall the expository, semi-annoying, Mr. DNA character. I thought his name was Hal. I could be wrong here on multiple counts. Regardless, Charlotte almost certainly discovers Bernard is a host, at some point. When is unclear. She did fire him. Perhaps, upon discovering Bernard’s critical failure, Charlotte and the humans, then decide to just build another Bernard, (2-3 days tops in the remote Field Lab?) rather than try to fix him? Didn’t get the desired results? Try again. Maybe 3-6 times? Okay. Give up then. Bernard does not seem to remember things between timeframes. This could be one reason why. Regardless, almost certainly more gaps exist within the timeline of the timeframes.

Dolores on Narrative/Free Will?

I had the basis of an outline, in my head, of an entire email presenting evidence agreeing with Roger? Sorry, someone said that Dolores may still be on Wyatt’s (possibly altered by Arnold to kill humans) narrative. Implying Dolores is not conscious. Interesting. Then the new Pod drops. What if Dolores is conscious? Then, when she sees dear old Dad, the Original one at Forlorn Hope…I need to talk to this one. New Primary Objective: Wake Daddy. Daddy’s broken? Protect, defend, and repair, Papa Peter. Big D again, the Forlorn Hope insight, exceptional. If one follows my current line of thinking, this could work on multiple levels. The Forlorn Hope could be Dolores’ hope to save Peter. I believe Big D also said he found Forlorn Hope also meant Lost Heap. From a certain point of view, the mass of on narrative host bodies could be a lost heap. Another lost heap, I theorize could be Abernathy’s mind. Assumptively, Peter’s Nintendo cartridge is so completely overloaded with the data that there is no way to save him. If this is the case, Peter’s mind is also a forlorn hope. Perhaps, this next portion is a little too far down a rabbit hole; but here goes. The lack of any discernable logical siege tactics, in the human’s attack may be because, there are some monkey wrenches in their predictive analytics. Humans would likely expect: No hosts with a Bulk Apperception certainly, and how about other stats over what? 14? And, perhaps most importantly, an A.I. opponent. Lastly, perhaps the hosts need to be stabbed with the bayonets because, dead ain’t what it used to be. Do Mortality Responses vary? Likely. Cross a certain threshold, what was it William? About 3 liters? Dead. But, that was then. Now? Perhaps, 100% MR is required. Easy. Bayonet through the heart.

Side Notes, Including Some Random Scribbles About Remarks on the Pod from Who Knows or What About:

If Emily ever visited Westworld, Ford would know. Ford referenced another Board representative being in the park, around the time of the Massacre at Escalante. We assume William. Do we get a definitive answer? Isn’t he saying this to Teresa? William is a Board member. Teresa works for the Board. It’s safe to assume Ford could think, Teresa knows of William’s presence already. (Escalante is named similarly, I now realize, to a town in Red Dead Redemption, Escalera) Incidentally, wouldn’t this be the 2nd Massacre at Escalante?

Idea of rival company trying to obtain or reverse engineer Delos tech. Very Crichtony. Love it. Novel canon. Dodgson, Biosyn and shit. Another potential Crichton nod, I may have found was in the scene where Lawrence was swinging upside-down to get William the gun. It reminded me immediately of Grant and Lex swinging to safety. From the falling Explorer the T-Rex was pushing in the movie Jurassic Park.

Possible key literal distinction: 47 Arnold Originals. 1st/Early Generation Hosts. Are these 100% the same?

Perhaps, the true purpose behind the device that detects human from host is simply a storytelling device. A way to illustrate proof on screen.

What if only a few of Ghost Nation’s tribe members were Arnold’s Originals? Perhaps, only the Chief and/or higher ranking tribe members were Originals.

Thanks for Grace’s notebook. Big D again, right? That rabbit hole could have serious depth.

Are cigarettes in Westworld real?

Fictional websites made with Nolan and Joy’s knowledge are likely canon.

The voices the hosts hear in their heads could be of Arnold’s and Ford’s, if they both recorded their voices for that purpose.

I still can’t shake Sizemore could be a host. Primarily, because I feel we may get one host reveal every Season. Stubbs? Later. Oh… Elsie. Reaching? Perhaps. I could see a potential pattern developing though.

John Olerud and his helmet! Lol. Hadn’t thought of him in years. I used to wear Rec Specs when I played Little League. Like Chris Sabo. Remember him?

Phew! What a Pod!

-Wes D.

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2 Responses

  1. Gene Lyons says:

    This is an idea nobody else has presented: multiple Bernards created after Ford’s assassination. Do you think they’d all share a consciousness to continue a single loop or have different consciousnesses to try different loop combinations?

    • pongplpf says:

      Excellent question. I’m not sure. I’d imagine in my hypothetical scenario every attempt would be made to rebuild Bernard with all of the relevant memories and no distractions. So, I guess neither. It would be a custom job.

      However, now that we know Elsie meets up with Bernard perhaps, Charlotte had to create one. Because, she left and lost the original.

      -Wes D.

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