Ford And William

Westworld Telegraph

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Guys, you always say don’t say shit without having some proof points. This is long because I have proof points. So please try not shitting on the length of the email.

Ford is a real human. I understand your theory, I appreciate the mind work that went into it, I will say I am 75% swayed on the Arnold may be AI, but Ford was a human. Fully fucking human. He has all the qualities of a shitty person, he exhibits all the things I would never imagine anyone would program a host with, he tells too many stories of what his father told him, hes conniving and cunning and revengeful. And he ages:
(a) Late 20s early 30s Ford

(b) like 55 year old ford
(side note, this was from Bernard’s “First” memory. why the fuck is ford so old? he went 30 years without a friend and then suddenly decides ohhh i miss this bro? confusing)

(c) 60/70 something ford

I guess the fact that they have kept Arnold/Bernard the same age throughout is to point out that he is in fact AI/Host? I really truly hope that Joy and Nolan gave us a constant, or just a reference, or tell, and that is if someone ages, then they are HUMAN.For my own sanity I am just making it clear, everything I say or theorize about this show, is under the pretense that Ford is HUMAN.

And on that track, William is also a human. I know my counterpart Jezz believes otherwise. But again, the perfect telling of this amazing concept of a story will have two HUMANS giving us the perspective of two humans who, when exposed enough to the hosts, find themselves on the side of the hosts looking to help them make their mark in this world. William too AGES. So while I know it fits some peoples theories, I just this the simple answer is we see William and Ford as the only two humans in this story that we can say with 100% certainty are human.

I believe William and Ford are reflections of one another.

Ford makes it clear that his father told him to “be happy with his lot in life” but that didn’t feel right for him, he wanted something more something bigger something meaningful, which is why he went after West World and becoming the “God” he saw himself as at the end of the season, he gave himself a bigger purpose than his father ever allowed him to dream of.

William, thus far, has worked his entire life being the “good guy” doing the “right thing”, and felt like he had an unfulfilled life with no purpose, he used to “dream about waking up in one of the stories” he read because those stories “meant something” (s1 e7, on train). Whereas his life means nothing. Until he fucks logan over, and seizes the opportunity to propel himself forward in the company that was never meant for him.

They both reference themselves as Gods. Ford is a God of the Park, William is a God outside of the Park. We get it they have a lot of power. And they both had to fuck people over to get that Power. Ford had to fuck over Arnold, or whatever AI was there actually building the effing bots, plus killed at least Teresa to continue the hold on his power, who knows who else is in the body count of Ford Kills, but needless to say he doesnt mind going dark to keep power.

William, I speculate, just because of the vibe I got from the scene, but William looks at daddy Delos, and tells him that he must be “patient” waiting for whatever cure or conscious transfer Delos was promised or believed would come from a further investment into the park. I get the sense that William would have done ANYTHING to prevent daddy D from gaining immortality, and if I am going by a good story, he held off giving Delos any cure/immortality so he could run the company the way he wanted to. He wanted full power, and you dont get that by helping your father in law/boss man live forever, or even past the retirement party you threw for him. (see the way Delos says “Coronation, not mine” to him, like hes saying bluntly to William, youre throwing yourself a lovely promotion party” like sarcastically)

William and Ford both hate Dolores. Or maybe hate is too strong, but they def are very resentful of what she has done to each of them. Ford’s disdain for Dolores lies in her part of “Arnold’s” death. Whether she killed the program that was Arnold or there was actually a dude named Arnold that she shot in the head, whatever the case, Ford was friends with him, partners with him, maybe even loved him (like a brother? or more? no judgment here hopkins) William too resents Dolores, only this time its because she actually broke his heart, the whole “i cant believe i fell in love with you” is pathetic, no matter if he had her down there after a week of leaving the park or 10 years. Hes pissed he was duped.

Ford kept Dolores around, who knows why, but on a narrative loop that seems to have been torture. It ended with a rape, a murder, or a boring night with mom and dad. Sounds like a real circle of hell to me. William either allowed Ford to continue that loop of torture cause hes an asshole. But it got me thinking, maybe just maybe, the place that William took dolores at the end of the episode, what if it was Abernathy Ranch? We have never seen, or at least we cannot be certain if we saw, a time during William’s first trip into West World, that put Dolores on that ranch. We know that she dropped her can, but we dont know what her actual loop entailed. We know that for the last 10 years she has had her dad and the ranch narrative (because Peter Abernathy has been playing the role of her dad for 10 years) so could it be that prior to this she had a slightly different loop? and William created this loop of horrors just to punish her because he was still salty that she went all bye felicia on him? I know thats a stretch but i come back to William’s encounter with Clippy Ford wherein he says the game ends where you began, which if it just this visit in the park then he began at Abernathy Ranch. (i mean i guess sweetwater but thats not poetic).

There are other similarities between Ford and William that I cant think of at the moment, but basically those are my big ones. I think this is why both Ford and William are humans, and I feel if Joy and Nolan and Abrams are giving us a story about what happens to humans when AI becomes self aware, then you better have some real fucking humans in the story. I also find just thinking about them as people fascinating.

Maybe I am wrong, but I’d just like to hope that this entire show isnt just everyones a fucking host ha ha ha.

Also Ford is Willy Wonka and William is Charlie. let that soak in.

Sorry its long. I just wildly disagree that Ford is AI and AI Arnold made a Ford.


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1 Response

  1. Gene Lyons says:

    I agree that Ford and the Man In Black are human. The evidence tilts that way, and I sincerely hope that’s the way things pan out.

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