Tagged: Tamara

Lovecraft Country Episode 5 Review

Lovecraft Country Episode 5 Review: “Strange Case”

Lovecraft Country Episode 5 Review Listeners asked for a deeper, longer dive, so here it is. This week’s Shat on TV covers all the gore, glam, and “goddamn!” of Lovecraft Country Episode 5: Strange Case. Ash educates us on Kafka’s “Metamorphosis,” a subject she actually taught at the college level....

Lovecraft Country Episode 4 Review: “A History of Violence”

Lovecraft Country Episode 4 Review: “A History of Violence” We expected an Indiana Jones-style romp from Lovecraft Country Episode 4. And “A History of Violence” delivered that adventure on a bloody plate, examining what it feels like to be the aboriginal rather than the raider. In this podcast edition, we...