Tagged: WM-S1E1

Hoods, Paintings and Dr. Manhattan

Good morning, It is super early here in Houston, TX, so excuse any typos, but I wanted to send a quick email about last night’s episode. I am watching this in real time with students to discuss issues of authority and how deep seeded racism affects all aspects of society,...

Watchmen Episode 1 Question

First, I would like to thank you guys for a great first episode of the show. Thinking back about the differences in technology between our world and the world of the show, I was puzzled how if there is no internet or cell phones that we know of how they...

Judd Crawford’s father theory

Rog, Now wondering if the man in the picture is old enough to be the boy in the photograph’s grand father. We don’t know yet whether the man is the Klans man, but there’s also no knowing for sure that the boy in the picture is actually Judd. Lets say...

Watchmen-Uhm Actually

Hey guys, Kal from Minnesota here. This one’s for King B. I think people feel a tendency to defend Rorschach because he’s kind of the Wolverine/Batman of the bunch, but, Uhm Actually Rorschach in the comics was very right wing. He talks about a gay superhero being murdered for her...

on Watchmen ep. 1, clean technology and a crackpot theory

First of all, I have to thank you guys once again for taking the time to share this with us. Pop culture media podcasts are everywhere nowadays, but yours really stands out from a mire of others, and I believe that’s because its reflecting how much effort and attention you’re...

Judd Crawford’s father theory

Hi, Your podcasts are several cuts above the rest! I usually find myself researching facts and speculations you through out during the recordings. Unbelievably excited to listen to the upcoming episodes after a relative shatontv drought! I’ve a theory on the connection between Judd Crawford and Will Reeves. The camera...

thank you

Hey Guys, Thanks so much for doing another tv podcast for Watchmen and hopefully but doubtful His Dark Materials. I think I liked season 8 of GOT more than I should have because of your podcast so I am looking forward to anther show I can listen to you guys....

Watchmen Supporting Documents

Hi guys, i’m not sure if you’ve seen this yet but i thought of it when you talked about why there were no smart phones or computers. https://www.hbo.com/peteypedia It’s the supporting documents from HBO which reminds me of some of the supplemental material in the comic. In particular there’s the...