Tagged: WW-S1E08


Hey dudes, we don’t know how the mechanisms behind ‘hosts can’t hurt guests’ work. What if William jumps in front of a bullet that was headed for Dolores, killing him. The park may not have anticipated a human being sacrificing them for a robot. Otherwise, perhaps the music box triggers...

Lots of Questions and Some Crack Potting

Hey guys, I’ve just recently discovered your podcast (and Westworld in general), and I love it. So thank you very much for the time and effort you’re putting in it. Normally I enjoy reading or listening to theories, but I’m really bad at coming up with them. So I have...


Hello guys. My name is Alton. I started listening to your podcast episodes from episode 6 of Westworld. I have yet to go back to the prior episodes. I thoroughly enjoy what you guys put out. I went back to rewatch the first couple of episodes, prompted by your podcast...

Not-Sure-Where-I’m Going with It But Solid Theory

Hey, guys – love your cast. I’ve heard you all touch on many of the video game references and Similarities Westworld has to various games so here is what I’m thinking. Ford is obviously a computer mastermind but I think his real passion is games. The “amusement park” is really...

Ford Is Host Version of Arnold

Gentlemen, I subscribe to the approach mentioned by a listener on your Thanksgiving Day podcast, namely that any theory must start with the central idea then continue to on to explain every question and not the inverse approach. Here is my central idea. Arnold’s first creation was Ford, as theorized...

Theory Ford &Amp; Arnold

Hi SOTV, Love the show. Keep it up! Here ‘s my 2 cts: To start off I ‘d like to point out that the series thematises heavily the (im)possibility to distinguish between hosts and humans. It struck me that the humans are made to look like (corporate) puppets , while...

The Dinner Party

Hi Guys, Love the show. Noticed something interesting in re-watching episode 1 that may relate to current events. Following Abernathy’s Shakespearean threats, Ford realises he’s accessing previous builds. He says Abernathy was previously ‘The Professor’ in a horror narrative called ‘The Dinner Party’. He was the leader of a group...