The Thing

The Thing

Poster for the movie "The Thing"
© 1982 Universal Pictures − All right reserved.

Do you like totally gross monsters, psychological thrillers, cute dogs and sexy Kurt Russells? If so, you’ll love “The Thing.” This John Carpenter classic stands the test of time, despite some glaring plot holes. Never before have Americans so smartly done so many stupid things in so little time.

Plot Summary: “The Thing In remote Antarctica, a group of American research scientists are disturbed at their base camp by a helicopter shooting at a sled dog. When they take in the dog, it brutally attacks both human beings and canines in the camp and they discover that the beast can assume the shape of its victims. A resourceful helicopter pilot (Kurt Russell) and the camp doctor (Richard Dysart) lead the camp crew in a desperate, gory battle against the vicious creature before it picks them all off, one by one.

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John Carpenter
David Foster, Lawrence Turman
Universal Pictures, Turman-Foster Company
Release Date
25 June 1982

Not rated yet!
John Carpenter
David Foster, Lawrence Turman
Universal Pictures, Turman-Foster Company
Release Date
25 June 1982