Alternative Bran Ending

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I was listening to your podcast on the Game of Thrones Finale, and something struck me about Bran.

What if Bran is the new Night King. I know this was a theory from before the series began, but now he has ended up on the Iron Throne, which he knew would happen and it could be argued that he engineered it by giving Arya the dagger, disclosing Jon’s true parentage etc.

Basically, when the Night King touched Bran’s arm this transferred some of the Night King’s powers into Bran, and is a way for the Night King to ensure succession if he were to be killed. The Night King knew this and Bran knew this. It would explain the look the Night King and Bran gave each other when the Night King was about the kill him. Bran and the Night King knew that when the Night King is dead Bran would assume that role as well as being the 3 eyed Raven. Something which had not been done before.

The final scene of the finale, therefore, would be Bran sitting in his room on his Throne, and itching his arm. Pulling up his sleeve to reveal the mark the Night King left on him, which is now icy blue, showing that Bran is transforming into the Night King.

Doing this makes more sense of the existence of the Night King in the story, and gives them a purpose other than just the destruction of life. It also explains why Bran wanted the throne after all.

Thanks for a great podcast. I’d love to hear your thoughts.

Craig Farquhar


PS, at least Sansa knew how to get independence for the north. Hopefully we will follow in her footsteps soon.

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