American Gods Get a Slow Clap and Porn Music
Salutations Friends,
I am going to go straight into it, because… man oh man… that was an interesting sight to behold. I am working on making my thoughts shorter than the last one.. but… wow, they left it all on the field with that episode.
Oddly enough, my mind keeps drawing me back to Shadow’s fortunes shown in coffee grains while we see the one with Mr. Wednesday. The man which believes in nothing as told by the daughter of the morning had a figure which seemed to look like a bird, the very bird symbol shown in the opening credits on the totem pole a thunderbird. Could it be that Shadow is due for a rebirth? A resurrection? Would it be his wife? Or both?
In contrast to Mr. Wednesday, whose fortunes shows that he would fail in his endeavor, that he would lose his life. For a god told that he would soon fall, he took it rather well. Could that be that he knew that he would die? That the con man understood the variables and is working a long con? What type of con does he run? We have seen the variety of cons he ran, when Mr. Wednesday was paid for his time when he got the coffees, the bank heist as we seen is a two man con. At this point, we see him instruct Shadow on how to utilize his visualization in creating snow, opening or rather broadening Shadow’s perspectives.
I find the conversation on Jesus interesting, although the interpretation less than admirable. Why would there be a separate god based on race for that representation of a deity? The word brought over by the conquerors did not change the ethnical aspect of the deity same as when missionaries and slavers taught the same rhetoric to those of African descent. Most virgin nations held their own spiritual systems before becoming corrupted by the incoming colonials. Also, it didn’t dealt with the deities which that religion stole from. For instance, the deities which Christmas stole from since its known that he was not born on that day also, how would they address Ishtar being robbed for the modern incarnation of the Easter holiday? Of which would actually survive? Would one become a mask for the other? It is the problem of the modern religions as they become organized and as we seen with the Council of Nicea during the times of Rome which sought to consolidate the pagan with the Christian and coopted many of their traditions and rituals.
As for the sex scene LMAO!
That is what equality looks like. I mean, it is jarring how much they allowed in the broadcast, and it was literally no holds barred, nor lent any illusions as to what they done, even symbolizing the ejaculation of the seed by the flame being internalized by the human. We had our fun with Bilquiss and the sight of the universe being within her vagina and how she enveloped her sacrifices [which I have questions of the mechanics because if she is in the cowgirl position, how does she envelop the feet?], now we can’t fake indignation on human DJinn relations he might not grant wishes, but that dude delivered.
As always, thanks for your time
Mark D
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