Bran Is the Night King

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two theories. both tin foil

Daenerys, Jon and Tyrion are siblings

“Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it” its cliche yes but I believe it has a lot to do with GoT. We’ve heard the story of Aegon Targaryen, how he and his sisters Rhaenys and Visenya rode the backs of dragons to take the Seven Kingdoms and rule Westeros. I am completely hung up on the theory that Daenerys, Jon and Tyrion are all siblings, and all three are Aegon and his crew re-incarnated. We know Snow for sure is half Targaryen, and we have had enough clues dropped that Tyrion was most likely not a Lannister (maybe mom lannister was freaked by her incestuous twins from birth?). If all things being Ying-Yang balanced in GoT, then it would be fitting that the uprising of Westeros was done by a man and his two sisters, and then generations later, the rebirth of that nation is done by a woman and her two brothers. What would be the point of telling us flat out who Jon’s mother and father were if it didn’t play a bigger role in the bigger picture? It would fit best if, at the end, if Westeros survives the long winter, Daenerys is Queen, Tyrion is Hand, and Jon would be Head of the Knights Guard. (maybe?). Thoughts?

Bran is the Night King

Before you instantly poopoo the idea, ill just submit my points of why I don’t toss this into the completely insane category. There is something that has bothered me a lot since last season, and that is when Bran goes back with the Three-Eyed Raven and sees his father at the Tower of Joy. When he first sees this scene he calls out to his father, to which his father stops dead in his tracks and turns around to see what that noise was. Suddenly the Three-Eyed Raven tears Bran out of the vision and gives him the whole speech about not getting lost in history. THEN when Bran goes BACK warging out (by himself this time) to see what his father was climbing towards, while he did not make a sound this time his father still turns around. Im going to go full on “Lost” right now, but, try and stay with me? If we go back to Lost and lil’ol’ Daniel’s theory, that even if you, from the future, travel back into the past, and change something, that doesn’t mean that you’ve changed the future, it means that in the past, that something had always happened, thereby keeping us on the paradoxical loop of the past created the future because the future created the past bullshit. I know, I know, get over Lost already. I know. BUT….but but but…if Ned Stark turned around while climbing the steps to the Tower of Joy, then that means Bran always was destined to travel back to that time, and call his name. That incident happened in the past, Bran was just experiencing it for the first time in his “present” day while looking at his fathers “past”, which was actually at the time his father’s “present” day. (im trying not to confuse myself) CASE IN POINT: if bran has the ability to go into the past and do something, and that something then effectively happens in the “past”, then couldn’t it be that Bran, who now is at Castle Black, tries to Warg into the past to somehow kill the Night King or stop the Night King or do SOMETHING, then maybe he ends up BECOMING the Night King, in the past, which would be Bran’s present, but also the past (shall we continue with the Sayid kills little ben from lost scenario?) Again I know it is crazy, but this show does not do anything without purpose, for christ sakes they put Gendry on a boat 6 seasons ago and NOW hes going to somehow (possibly) be fighting with what you’ve dubbed the fellowship against the White Walkers? If they threw in a scene about Bran fucking with history for NO reason then thats a big gaff on their part. Otherwise, that scene was showing us that Bran, while messing around warging out throughout time, could have started the chain of events that lead us to where we are now. And if you want to go really off the deep end, maybe the Night King not killing Jon Snow when they had their first encounter was because ITS HIS BROTHER (ish more like cousin but let is slide) so the Night King’s whole “come at me bro” stance on the shore was Bran talking to his brother Jon. AND maybe the Night King isnt so much chasing after Bran because hes a White Walker and wants to just turn everyone into a zombie, but really hes trying to kill him or get him killed so he CANT get to that point in the “future/present” and become the Night King. And even FURTHER point to add is if you three are correct and Bran crossing over the wall is the key to the wall’s destruction, HES THE KEY BECAUSE HE IS THE NIGHT KING therefore when “bran” crosses over the wall SO DOES THE NIGHT KING. (one in the same kind of thing). AND Bran loved Nan’s stories, THE SCARY ONES, specially about the long night, which Bran would have CREATED THE LONG NIGHT IF HE WAS ALWAYS THE NIGHT KING. look i know people will hate this and be all omg no time traveling what a troupe to put in what a terrible thing blah blah haters are going to hate. I wouldn’t mind this. It would set up an interesting battle for Jon, if he does go looking to kill the Night King, and that turns out to be his crippled brother, then we’re going to see Jon have to decide loyalty to his family or saving the kingdoms which sounds like an easily made choice…but jon is jon, so clearly there would be some internal struggle there.

ah it feels so good to go full tin-foil once again. sorry if this email makes everyone’s brains hurt and gets you all angry. and sorry if i just tarnished any respect anyone has for me or my theories.


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4 Responses

  1. Thiago Waldhelm says:

    Hey, Gillian!

    I enjoyed both theories, but I have some comments to make.

    Jon isn’t Dany’s brother, he’s her nephew. Raegar, the Mad King’s heir, and Dany’s older brother, is Jon’s father. That being said, the rest is pretty much on point. On the books we have more “evidence” that Tyrion might be half Targaryen (his hair is fairer than his siblings; one of his eyes, which are mismatched green and black, has a dark purple shade).
    I just don’t believe it’ll end like that (Dany Queen, Tyrion Hand and Jon Queensguard) because it’d be too much of a happy ending for George RR Martin.

    Now, as to Bran being the Night King, I honestly don’t think so. We have seen the creation of the Night King in the show, in season 6 episode 5 (!
    I do believe Bran has something else to do with the past., probably starting the chain of events that lead the story to where it is now.
    There’s a theory that says that Bran goes back in time to talk to Aerys Targaryen, trying to tell him that fire kills the wights, and that’s why the Mad King kept repeating “burn them all” all the time; Bran was the “voices in his head”! It can also be that the Three Eyed Raven was the one trying to reason with the Mad King (both being Targaryens), but he saw his lack of success and that’s why he warns Bran not to get lost on history.

    Either way, that’s why I love this World of Ice and Fire. We can come up with so many theories and all of them make sense, in a way or another. =)


    • steve kurth says:

      the guy that is turned into the nights king…all tied up and skewered with dragon glass by the children….it’s totally possible bran could have warged into that guy ….and is stuck in there as the nights king. The whole,” let me go back in time and try and stop the creation of the night king and now you’ve gagged me because I’m talking all sorts of future crazy talk..oops…now I’m stabbed and a wight. possibly looking for the body I left behind when I warged in here”.

      • That is possible, Steve. But if so, why would the 3ER show that vision to Bran and not say anything? He (3ER) had time to go back and forth many times in time, so he would know if that guy was saying “crazy future” things, and he could prevent Bran from warging into the guy.

  1. January 12, 2018

    […] ability to keep out the White Walkers than what the show has already given us. What we have seen of Bran and the Three Eyed Raven north of the Wall is much more […]

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