Clementine, The Trojan Horse And Achilles Heel

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That being said, I know plenty of others will be dropping theories on all the new revelations from this episode, so let me put forth one that may be less discussed. With Maeve about to seemingly be resurrected by Bernard and company in the next episode, and Teddy trying to wake Christina/Dolores from her loop, we are seeing the resistance army being prepared to take on Halores, Host MIB and her new world order. But, there is one major player in this war that is not being focused on that much. One which has the power and knowledge to tip the scales in the favor of Bernard, Stubbs, Maeve, Caleb and the others. And that is Clementine.
I don’t believe that Host MIB erased her original personality when he came for her in episode 2; rather, he did what Ford and the others who originally created the hosts did in the original parks, and had her old “build” or personality overwritten or altered to make her loyal to himself and Halores. Which means her original personality is underneath the new. It’s likely Maeve will learn about her “death” and reprogramming by Host MIB, and since she always cared deeply for Clem, you better believe that will be something that will set her off and make her determined to fight.
And because of her talents in being able to remotely control other hosts, I can see Host MIB sending her out to fight and kill or destroy Maeve and the others, but Maeve getting the upper hand and freezing her, thereby allowing the resistance to bring her old self back. And this is where I think Host MIB and Halores both made a huge mistake in making her his secretary. In this time jump, she will have been working for him for 23 years, and that means she will have heard and been privy to all of the inner workings of how this new, Host-Overlord world works.
Can you imagine how invaluable that knowledge will be to the resistance? Not to mention, she may be a major player in the plan that Bernard has seen play out in order to defeat Halores and Co. So, while she has been relegated to only a few scenes so far, I have an inkling that Clementine is about to become a pivotal player, either in the latter half of this season, or the upcoming fifth and final season.
And, on a side note, I love how dark and menacing she’s been in this season so far, pretty much a female Terminator between her handling of the VP’s Secret Service on the golf course, and the preview of next week’s episode where she seems about to kill another human. Angela Sarafyan is an amazing and underrated actress in my humble opinion, both here on Westworld and in general.
Have a great week, and thank you again for being so enjoying to listen to. Here’s hoping I might get to hear my theory read on the next Telegraph.
Sincerely yours,
Joey G.
PS – Big D is probably not going to like this, but I disagree with his assessment of the 1973 film; I think it’s a pretty damn good movie, but that also may just be on account of being a very big Yul Brynner and James Brolin fan.
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