Emily/Grace And William “Fidelity” Test

Westworld Telegraph

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Hi guys,

Love your podcast! I’m Angeleah from OH and I have some thoughts about Ford and Emily/Grace triggered by the elephant disagreement.

I wonder how much real-world science the show considers for memory. Every memory that you have is the last memory of you remembering that memory. It’s kind of freaky, but it makes it very fascinating that the hosts can remember things perfectly (assuming there’s no riots or leaks in the brain or cradle bating) So that scene with William and his daughter about the elephants, would that really be the best fidelity test? She was little and he was a distant father who barely paid attention to her, and I doubt he paid much attention to his wife.

When I was a little girl I could of sworn I rode an Elephant at Disneyworld with my sister but she says it never happened, my uncle and my grandma who took us, say it doesn’t happen. The thing is the memory of my grandma and uncle are questionable. I guess my sister’s memory is okay, so for now I must accept the terrible truth that I never rode that elephant.

Then there are things that I am 100% sure that happened because I mention it almost every day to try to get my uncle to remember, because I don’t understand how he couldn’t remember something so insane. This memory is when I was 5 and went to him crying waking him up with a dead kitten in his face crying about it, he has no memory of it.

This kind of makes me question my own sanity sometimes, but my uncle helped raised me and into my adulthood we are roommates. If anyone could tell if the other was a robot in the family, it’d be me and him. Despite that we have clear disagreements despite our closeness of my childhood memories, but I can’t recall any adult memories that we disagree about. So I wondering was do parents /caregivers find that normal?

So, we have the possible issue of her being too young to truly remember. Then the other issue that Emily/Grace and William don’t have anywhere near a close relationship so this whole plot is going to be constant suspicion between the two. I’m not sure if that can really be resolved. Especially if one of them turns out to be right. Could you ever really trust being told something is real again after that is pulled on you?

Just some thoughts to consider.

Angeleah Smith

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