Epic Irony Wins the Throne

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Hey Guys,

Sensa and Tyrion take the throne. Is it that far fetched? Not as much as you would think. Here are my thoughts on why:

Sansa- From episode 1 we see her lust for the south and living in Kings Landing. Her father was a die hard Northerner and Ned embodied everything the North stood for. Yet, his oldest daughter wanted nothing more than to be in the South, with the horrible Joffrey as her husband. As we follow Sansa through her journey we see her go to King’s Landing, commit treason against her family (leading to her fathers death), endure abuse from the Lannister’s and eventually get trapped in the very place she longed to go. Throughout all of this Sansa is growing up and becoming a woman. Like a sponge she is soaking up all of the politics, the lies, the history and especially; learning from Cersi how to control everything from behind the scenes (although horrible, Cersi is an expert as a puppet master). When Sansa finally gets out of King’s Landing all she longs for now is, ironically, the North. Yet she somehow manages to get into another situation of terrible abuse. Again, still growing and learning and absorbing what is going on around her. Fast forward, a lot of her family and friends die, her home is basically demolished but she does get home. Only to show, we see when she killed Littlefinger, that she has payed attention to everything she went through and has become very capable of leading (I think even some traits of Cersi are ingrained in her).

Tyrion- Immediately the show portrays exactly the character Tyrion plays and he stayed consistent with that character for a very long time. He was a whoremonger that loved to drink (and know things). He was the black sheep of his family, and only was tolerated for simply having the last name of Lannister. We watched him as a character and he also takes a journey: He goes to Castle Black to piss off the edge of the world, he gets captured and also abused, he returns to Kings Landing and eventually forced to marry Sansa and then is accused of treason for trying to kill Joffrey. Tywin enters and not only shits all over him but takes away the one Tyrion loved. Tyrion was the oldest son but wasn’t even “worthy” of becoming Lord of Casterly Rock. Tyrion faces very much the same obstacles from the Lannister’s (just not as physically abusive) that Sansa did.

How epic would it be that Tyrion and Sansa get back together (not necessarily due to attraction but more for companionship), of their own free will and they go back to where so much horror was brought to them and they rule? Tyrion is definitely one of the most clever and intelligent characters who is also well-read and knowledgeable of the history of Westeros; Qualities a King should possess.
Sansa has learned how to navigate through difficult situations and can be both ruthless and merciful. She learned from the best (Cersi) on how to maintain control and use all assets available; Armies and physical force, insight from whispers and secrets, the weaknesses and strengths of those around her and use it to her advantage; Qualities a Queen should possess.

Tyrion and Sansa would make a power couple that would rule Westeros keeping the best of the people in mind yet not being so naive that it would always be sunshine and rainbows. Together they have wit, strength, resilience and are both capable of love and forgiveness. Leaders.
How epic would it be that after everything that Kings Landing has taken from them that they then take it back, by winning the throne.

As far as Jon and Dany, we are all waiting to see what they do once they actually talk about their relationship. I think we all agree as watchers of the show that GoT has left their story open enough that it’s possible Jon rules the North because he loves it. He grew up a Stark, not a Targaryen. Until the recent reveal he had no claim to the Throne and no desire. I truly think he desires nothing more than to be in the North, with his people that have actually chosen him (despite their anger that he knelt to Dany).
Dany is another question mark. Does she abandon what she has always wanted to be with Jon or continue her quest for the Throne? Opposite of Jon, Dany has always wanted the throne because it is “rightly hers” due to her name, yet she has no Targaryen history. Whereas Jon grew up a Stark and is proud to be a Stark, Dany did not grow up a Targaryen and although “proud” of the name, she in fact never had any sort of relationship with her family. The one familial tie we see is with her brother that did nothing but abuse her.
I think after the conversation between Jon and Dany about Leanna Stark and and how much Rhaegar loved her it’s possible that Dany loves Jon and is willing to give up the throne (because it’s really only her name that has driven her towards being Queen) and be with Jon, possibly as King and Queen of the North (which I’m sure Sansa and Tyrion would be on board with as the rulers of Westeros).

Both Dany and Jon have been treated terribly by their families yet are loved and adored by others. Jon was a bastard but proved himself a worthy leader in the Nights Watch and at Winterfell when he returned. Dany was the target to be assassinated as a baby and as she grew up but proved herself to be a worthy leader within the Dothraki and later as she began to conquer and end slavery. They both earned the love of people, not due to family history or their “name” but because of their character.

To me, this ending would make sense. It also isn’t predictable enough that I would be unhappy with it. GoT has surprised us with big twists and I think this would be one that would surprise us yet satisfy. It would also bring a lot of the stories and the journeys of these characters full circle.

Thanks for reading!

Amanda abarlow

P.s. I thought of this before work this morning and have waited all day to write it down. As I listened to small council today I wished I had sent it in before so it had a chance to be discussed! If you do get it, feel free to reply with your thoughts! Would love to hear from you guys. Continue the great work, every Sunday when GoT ends instead of itching to get to next Sunday the 3 pods you guys do keep me going until the next episode ????

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