Game Of Thrones

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Hey Guys,

Its past 5 pm but i was driving and a bunch of theories about what might happen popped into my head during my 6 hour drive

1) Arya sleeping with Gendry wasn’t just its the end of the world, lets bang one out in case we die. What if Arya is pregnant?

2) Gendry is now a legit lord, meaning his offspring would have a claim to the throne.

3) Gendry is going to die, but if Arya is carrying his child, she will get get to sit on the throne until that child is old enough. Gendry asking for hand in marriage is also the first time someone is bending the knee to Arya

4) they have been mentioning Jamie as Kingslayer a ton this season. Jamie is going to get to a point where he has to choose between killing Jon (#thekinginthenorth) or Cersei.

5)Ironically, Brianne will also have to choose between killing her lover, Jamie or protecting Sansa (from Cersei most likely). After all she is a knight and that means she has to decide whether to honor her oath to the kingdom or to Lady Stark

6) we can see the transition of Daenrys- she was always in white, last episode was gray clothing. Shes plunging into evil and i wont be surprised to see her dressed in all black and her demise complete.

7) Sansa was taught and trained by Cersei when she went to Westeros in the first two seasons. Tyrion and Jamie think they know Cersei best, but its really Sansa. Sansa knows how her mind works and what her tendencies are. Sansa knows Cersei will have a back up plan to the back up plan. Sansa understands this, remember it was her who made sure the Knights of the Vale were there in the Battle of the Bastards and she will make sure the Wildings are there at just the right time.

Appreciate the recap, it made the drive much better

Fishers, Indiana

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1 Response

  1. Gene Lyons says:

    Do you think we’ll see all this stuff on screen in the final two episodes, or is this more “after the show” content?

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