Ive Confused Myself And Everyone I Know

Westworld Telegraph

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Hey Guys,

I am trying to make this short and sweet but I am incapable of such thing so here goes my best shot:

Eden/The Rip/The Valley:
Its heaven, for those who believe in a heaven. The best example i can muster is, my mother believes wholeheartedly that there is a heaven, I do not, but if she were to pass away I’d hope shed go to that heaven she believes in, and not just turn into worm food like i believe will happen. The hosts who believed this door would lead them to a new world found just that. A new world free from humans to be whoever they wanted. As they pass through the rip, their minds are copied into this Eden Program (designed by ford per logan telling bernard it was created by ford) and their physical bodies drop to the bottom of the cliff. Their “souls”/code/minds/essence whatever you want to name is, thats what gets to go to the Eden Garden. Dolores thinks its a prison, Bernard said let them just be blissfully ignorant if thats what makes them happy, dolores (in hales body) decides ok, and sends teddy there for safe keeping (and gives us hope she one day will get it back and bring it back to earth). So Maeve’s Daughter and Teddy are now in a blissful peaceful heaven and none of them right now realize it isnt the “real world”.

Bernard is not in any loop:
I dont believe Bernard was on a loop for QA. Maybe i missed something somewhere and I am just stupid but honestly I took the final sequence to be as so: The Valley incident takes place roughly 12 hours before we see bernard on the beach. So just talk about bernard waking up on the beach to the most present we are told heres the events:
– Strand finds Bernard on the beach
– Strand takes him to escalante to show him fords body
– Strand takes him to the train where the cradle is still burning
– Bernard and Strand are in the Mesa and find Charolette (really dolores?)
– Strand starts collecting hosts bodies from the valley, 1/3 are virgin (the 1/3 that went to heaven/eden)
– Strand and Charolette show Bernard Ford’s Family Cabin and Closet full of Bernards (which they already knew he was a host and thats why Strand doesnt offer him water, he already knew this)
– Hale (dolores) interrogates Bernard back in the Mesa
– Bernard said the Abernathy Chestnut (with the decryption key) is in the valley (cause he left it in Dolores’s real skull which is dead on the floor)
– Bernard Charolette(Dolores) and Strand all go to the Valley
– Bernard has spent our entire season 2 going through his memories of the last 12 days and finally can see what the missing parts were (i.e. making hale bot and putting dolores chestnut in there) so he goes oh i killed YOU all. meaning the QA team and the humans, Charolette becomes full on Dolores kills everyone and shoots Teddys chestnut into the heaven/eden and then sends the eden data package world into space (not the Delos satalites as was intended but some other place in space) and thats it

bernard was not on a loop, he was simply fucking with QA hes someone who gave himself amnesia basically just so he couldnt give away the master plan. he was only allowed to do this after making a dolores bot that he could trust would help him find his way out of the forrest that is his memories. which she did.

but thats just how i saw things. please tell me how far off base i am.

As far as the emotional aspect, I know that I am an overly emotional person, so everything from the rage I felt when that Tech turned up Maeve’s pain because “theres no pleasure without pain”, to screaming at my TV with joy when those bulls pierced every single QA team (woo humans die!) to crying when Sizemore gives the speech he wrote for Hector (still not over that) then on to the onslaught of death, first with Clementine dying, then watching Hector and Armistice get picked off, then finally maeve saying goodbye to her daughter, its like watching your child go off to heaven but you remain in hell, youre happy that shes at peace now, but you still wish you could be there with her. it was all so so much. then bernard killing dolores in the forge?! shocked. Dolores coming back as hale SHOOKETH, Logan desperatly begging his father for help and being TURNED DOWN by daddy delos, hearty breaking, the fact that this instant, this choice that james made to turn his back on his son (who dies 6 months later) is his cornerstone and what defined him for the rest of his life (who knows how long he lived) is DEVASTATING (specially if youve been affected by substance abuse issues and are watching it with your dad who lost his brother to alcoholism) the fact that William KILLED his daughter and went looking into his arm for someone ELSE to blame that decision on is mind blowing, dolores realizing that teddy deserves to be in blissful peace heaven for a little (even tho its still heartbreaking to know he probs wants to be with HER and not alone on a fucking field) Ford’s speech to bernard “maybe one day we’ll meet out there on the horizon” so many tears for that, it was beautiful. everything, i felt everything in this episode, maybe i wasnt supposed to maybe i was who the heck knows but i think they did a great job of making me feel for characters that arent supposed to be “real” and in fact i was happier when Elsie was killed because it was annoying and heartbreaking to see her betray bernard right in front of his eyes!

I just took away from it the enormity in the choices that we make. Robot or Human, everyone is going to make a choice they think is for the best, or they view it as what needs to be done, but then down the line that choice catches up with them, sometimes you cant take it back or change it (James Delos/Logan; William/Emily) sometimes you can (Bernard killing Dolores and bringing her back as Dolorette). everyone in the finale made choices that will effect something greater down the line, its how we come to understand, explain, and justify those choices, and live with the repercussions that define us. I think thats pretty damn beautiful. (Also see Phase Space i.e. butterfly effect. i finally get that whole thing now)

I know this is long, again I am sorry for that. So to just sum up and make it quick: (1) The Rip in Reality/The Door is heaven/nirvana for those who wanted it to be. perspective is key so to dolores who knows of another world it was a prison, to Ake its exactly what he wanted it to be so theres that. (2) Was Bernard on a loop or not on a loop? Because i did not see loop nor do i understand how it could be a loop if real humans ended up dead unless everything is a lie and Strand has a book in the library of souls but wasnt ever real? idk. (3) I am very emotional about the emotional aspect of this show and i think it deserves its moment of recognition

Also just to clarify for anyone who wants to disagree with my tweet. It has been confirmed by Lisa Joy, William was a human who killed his human daughter at some point in the park after Dr. Ford revealed his Journey into Night narrative. She is not confirming WHEN all it took place (versus when he goes down the elevator to find out hes been fidelity-tested) but we know HE WAS HUMAN for all the events weve seen in season 1 and 2. So young william timeline = human, 30+ year William timeline = human. This future being tested by emily william = host for which we dont know when or why or how but that will come eventually.

if you havent seen or read this stuff yet do it before the deep dive or people will loose their shit


Thanks and sorry again

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