Jaime and Ned Are the Same Man

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Small Council topics of discussion:

I am thoroughly disgusted and disappointed with Jamie Lannister. Which means, I must have a somewhat positive regard for him in order to be disgusted and disappointed, right? To quote Brienne of Tarth, “I know there is honor in you Sir Jamie.” By comparison, I never once expected Ramsey Bolton to do the honorable thing. I still believe that Jamie Lannister is fundamentally an honorable character but his damn colossal weakness is his sister! The man can’t even make Cercei get off her knees! Then it hit me. Sister. My wheels started spinning and the lists starting growing until I came to the following conclusion: Jamie Lannister and Ned Stark, at their cores, are privately the same man, but diametrically opposed in public opinion largely because of their sisters.

Both men were 2nd born.
Ned married. Jamie did not.
Ned: Publicly raised and protected a nephew like a son. Jamie: Publicly helped raise and protect a son like a nephew. Both: A misunderstood historic event that gives them public shame in present day Westeros. The honorable Ned Stark is believed to have fathered a bastard and Jamie Lannister is the Kingslayer. Jamie: Publicly tagged as an Oathbreaker when he actually prevented the deaths of thousands of people. Ned: lied to protect Jon Snow and lied again prior to his execution, to protect his daughters, when he publicly swore to the High Septon of the Seven and Baelor the Blessed that Joffrey was the one true heir to the Iron Throne. Ned didn’t even worship the New Gods. Legacy: Ned died early in present day Westeros but left multiple issue that will shape the future. Jamie is poised to live deep into the conflict but leaves no issue.

During the scene of the brief siege of Riverrun, Edmure Tully asks Jamie a couple of questions. “How do you live with yourself?”…”How do you tell yourself that you are decent? After everything that you’ve done?” Ironically Jamie starts his answer with a story about Edmure’s sister, Cat. Anyway, Jamie’s answer is “I love Cercei. She needs me…nobody matters…only Cercei.” Now, Cercei doesn’t need him (she has Euron) and Lady Olenna just exposed Jamie…to himself, and predicts he will regret his role is spreading the disease that is Cercei.

I don’t think there is a mole at Dragonstone. Right now Tyrion is thinking and making decisions like a logical military leader. He is best when he thinks like a Lannister, clever and unpredictable…ie the Battle of Blackwater Bay. Jorah is going to come back and get their act together. Tyrion didn’t know that Casterly Rock is broke and not the backbone of the Iron Throne.

Thanks guys! Love the show!

Stacey in Indiana

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