Maeve’s Original Loop

Westworld Telegraph

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Hey Guys,

What function did Maeve and her daughter serve in the park? We never see them interacting with any of the guests except for MiB. Their life seems too simple for the time frame. A single mother and her daughter living on the plains. There should be a lot of hardship for them. If they were meant to give a “Little House on the Prairie” educational experience in the park, they failed badly. Yet they are important enough to be featured in the videos playing in the welcome center. And Maeve plays this simple role for at least 29 years.

Could it just be a counterpoise for Dolores’ story? Dolores appears to have an ideal life. She lives with her mother and father in a nice house. She has a boyfriend who has just returned for her and seems to really be in love with him. But this idyllic life is destroyed at the end of each day. Her parents are killed and she is brutally raped. Perhaps as punishment for killing Arnold?

Maeve’s existence seems much less ideal. A shack in the middle of nowhere that looks like it could fall over any second. And except for the occasional visit of Kiksuya, (Give it another try Big – D,) witch terrifies them, but causes them no harm, their life is peaceful and simple. Until the MiB makes his appearance. I would even guess that Maeve and daughter have broken Kiksuya’s record of over nine years without being killed and thus returned to the Mesa.

Ford called Maeve his favorite. At the time I thought this was due to her actions since becoming the madam at the bar. Is it possible Maeve is someone from Ford’s past? Someone he had deep emotions for, but couldn’t have, and thus is his favorite because of who she represents? If there is a real Maeve outside the park, it would be a very interesting story line to explore.

Really just random thoughts.

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