Partial Season 8 Rewrite by SJL
Partial Season 8 rewrite by SJL-
The first two episodes of season 8 are the same, except the tavern conversation with Bronn, Jamie, and Tyrion never happened.
-battle of Winterfell starts off exactly the same, there’s a bad storm, but Night King does not arrive during battle. Jon searches the skies for him while Dany burns up army of dead. Winterfell is overtaken by wights. Bran is taken inside. The walls of winterfell begin to crumble from the ocean of dead people. Varys sends out a half dozen ravens in a last-minute effort before being killed by wights. Melisandre leaves Winterfell and rides south. Theon lives. Bran is knocked unconscious by a falling castle beam. An officer of the dead army goes to kill Bran but Jamie Lannister takes the blow instead, saving Bran who he originally “broke”. Jamie dies. Brienn grabs a lifeless Bran and carries him away. There is a mad retreat from the castle going south. Arya is the last one out of the castle. Winterfell is taken and the night king arrives at end of the episode on his dragon, perched on the ramparts as the living retreat south.
-Cersei is informed that Winterfell is gone. A caravan of the living head south from Winterfell with dragon air support. Tyrion emplores them to keep moving as the dead don’t rest. They see Moat Caylin in the distance as evening approaches. The dead, now including deceased Dothraki and Unsullied wights, are in sight behind them. The living approach the castle for refuge, and the Lannister lion banner drops from the castle walls. Are they there to help? Nope. Lannister army starts firing arrows at the living. Missandie dies, infuriating Grey Worm and Dany. Bran is still unconscious. Dead charge forward. Battle ensues from both sides around Danys army. Dany burns up Lannister’s while Jon combats night kings (NK) dragon and approaching army. It’s night again. Danny’s dragon is overtaken by wights and has to fly off to live. Juron dies protecting Dany, same as seen on tv. Both NK and Jon’s dragons are intertwined and fall to the ground. NK and Jon jump off and sword fight far from the castle as dragons wrestle on the ground beside them. A small group of unknown men watches nearby in the shadows as orange and blue flames wildly near-miss Jon and NK as they fight. Jons dragon is killed by dead dragon. Jon kills NK and army of dead disintegrates. An exhausted Jon catches his breath, relieved, only to be knocked unconscious by someone.
-Bronn walks into the Red Keep. Tells Cersei there was no chance at Jamie or Tyrion given the shit show up north, but what would Cersei pay for some Snow? Dany learns that Cersei has Jon. They all head to kings landing telling tales of Jon’s fight against NK, hoping to save him. Dany is getting no credit or respect from westerners. Cersei moves civilians into the castle grounds. Bran is clinging to life with Sansa’s care. The remains of Dany’s forces show up outside Kings landing. Similar to shows Missandie death, except it’s Jon on the wall and the armies are ready to go. Tyrion and Qybern negotiate. Cersei demands they surrender or they and Jon die today. Dany demands they let Jon go and surrender or they die. The Mountain puts a sword through Jon’s chest and kicks him off the wall.
-Dany goes beserk. Climbs on dragon and burns up everyone in King’s landing. Cersei and the Mountain scramble to the red keep. The Hound pursues them. Davos claims Jon’s body and takes him back to Sansa’s camp. Euron’s forces get crushed by the dragon, Euron swims ashore. Clegane Bowl happens similar to tv show. Cersei flees to the basement. A man is there for her. She looks relieved. Euron? No. It’s Jamie. Cersei goes for a kiss, saying she heard a terrible rumor he died. Jamie’s face peels off during the kiss. It’s Arya. She puts needle into Cersei’s throat. Theon charges the castle. He finds Euron in the castle looking for Cersei. Theon kills Euron then Theon gets crushed by the building falling. Sansa and Tormund want no part of killing innocents and their small remaining forces watch the slaughter from outside the city on orders to stand down.
-Dany is fresh from the battlefield. Unsullied and Dothraki rally. Tyrion finds Cersei’s body. He grieves a bit and tells men to take her to Casterly Rock to be buried. Bran awakens. Dany shows up at Sansa’s camp with her forces despite Tyrion’s advice. She approaches Sansa and Arya’s smaller group with her dragon, Tyrion, and grey worm at her side. She questions why they stopped their attack on Kings Landing and tells Sansa and Arya bend the knee or die. They refuse. Drogon prepares to torch them. Bran worgs the dragon and stops him. The dragon turns and looks at Danys army and grey worm threateningly. Dany is stunned and demands his obedience. It doesn’t work. The banners of Dorn, iron fleet, Hygarden, and river run arrive upon news from Varys’ ravens, assuming they’re there to fight wights. They surround Danys forces. Tyrion advises Dany to stand down. She thinks of it, and asks what will become of her? He’s speechless. She grabs a dagger from grey worms person. It appears she will kill Tyrion, but instead, she kills herself. The dragon throws fire in the air with despair.
-red woman is working on Jon Snow. She brings him back again. She then tosses her necklace and crumbles to dust. Bran tells his lineage to the leaders of the various houses now gathered. They name Jon Snow king. He makes Tyrion hand. Brienn head of kings guard. Sansa warden of the north. Gendry head of storms end. Tormund goes back north. He sends Davos and a search party to hunt down Bronn. Jon pets Ghost. The dragon is now his. The end.
Spencer Levin
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