PLEASE READ I have the cure lol

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Hey Guys,

Have an alternative ending for you guys, huge fan and thanks. Let’s go back to the battle of Winterfell. Let us say Brienne dies in the middle of the chaos. Jamie survives. The same ending to the battle with Arya using cutthroat, but in the war room, Jamie offers himself to Arya after she explains her face stealing magic intending to kill Cersei. Jamie could go back, but he’s already committed treason. Jamie’s love for Brienne isn’t fulfilled with consummation, but rather sacrifice for her death. Fastforward and Arya (Jamie) arrive at king’s landing with Sandor. Meanwhile, tension builds as John cannot live with his incestual love. The hound fights the mountain and they die in a fireplace via Sandor’s doing. Cersei is afraid and is intimately killed by Jamie/Arya. Missendie is still captured as they travel to king’s landing, but her savior is now daeny’s vengeance. Jon pleas for mercy, but Daeny conquers either way. We should have recognized that she is a conqueror rather than a liberator because that’s what she is. In the end, Daeny does the same thing by burning the city, but Jon is also killed as Arya comes in, She is the faceless killer, so let her daeny as well. Maybe i just love Maise Williams and her performance. Just switching up Cersei’s death here.

Fuck I love this show.
House Norton

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