Season 8 rewrite

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Hi, hello hi.

So after listening to the show for around a year or so I have finally decided to ‘reach out’ and give you guys some input. Just to say bravo dear fellows for a wonderful professional podcast it’s funny and riveting. I do find it strange as a Brit that there aren’t any U.K. based GoT podcasts considering there’s only one American actor on the entire show! Anyways. Here’s my season 8 re write. They’re essentially plot points that in my ultimate fantasy GRR would have given to the double D’s. Believe me I play this fantasy over and over in my head. Don’t worry everybody had their clothes on.

Episode one: Joraman

The Wall: The Knights watch along with all the Northern forces and The unsullied are in force behind Castle Black. Bran is worging his butt cheeks off following the path of the white army. We see him scouting the army of the dead. He sees their route and reports back to Jon. We see battle emplacements behind the wall. Trebuchet etc. We explore the Knight King and his officers. We see that they have the Horn of Joraman.

Dany has stayed at Kings Landing with her ‘Screamers’ she’s setting up a Glastonbury festival style picnic outside the walls to make sure Cersei behaves herself. Tyrion and her are plotting to take the Iron Throne, we see actual intelligence and genius return to the brain matter of Tyrion. Jorah has been given to Cersei as a peace envoy, a ward of you will. Cersei and Qyburn (spelling?) similarly plotting to deal with Dany. We see Harry Strickland and his Golden Company reinforcing Kings Landing. We see discussion between Cersei and Strickland about the golden companies heritage.

Arya and the Hound have stayed with Dany. They both discuss their personal vendettas.

Similar to the real episode Two. Lots of chit chat between the characters except we explore way more of Jon’s heritage. His feelings for Dany. Bran and Jon talk about how he would rule much to Jon’s dislike.

Episode ends as The Knight King reaches the wall (not on a dragon, in my season 7 there’s no stupid God awful mission to get a white walker) We see The Knight King take out the horn and put it to his lips. Bran awakens from worging breaks into some kind of a emotional reaction (seriously no creepy one liner).

Episode Two

Very similar feel to the start of the battle of Winterfell dark and scary! The wall comes down. The whites flood over the wall. The entire episode is the battle. The white are channelled by the fall of the wall the opening in the wall is maybe half a mile wide. The allies realize they can’t hold the white. They begin a withdrawal. They send word to Dany for help. Jon sets up a bridge head to protect the retreat. A huge moat of fire. Episode ends as the white stand there motionless waiting for the fire to die out

Episode three

We start at Winterfell. Troops are pouring into position outside the castle. The red glow from the horizon can be seen. Half the northern and Unsullied armies have made it back. Surprise shot as we see the Lannister army is at Winterfell as the back up retreat position.

Cersei and Jorah are talking about possible peace. Cersei is bending to the idea. Word gets to Dany that the wights are smashing shit up. She takes off against Tyrion’s wishes. She takes two dragons with her leaving Rhaegal (spelling) with Tyrion.

We cut to Dany sneaking into the red keep. We see her murder Qyburn.

Winterfell. Jon and Tormund are sprinting on horses as small skirmishes with white break out. As they approach Winterfell the white army runs out behind them. They’re saved by trebuchet fire and Male it into position. The battles rages. Winterfell is all but lost. Jamie leads the Lannister army into one last charge to hold off the white, he’s killed alongside Brienne. Bran worgs and summons all the wolves and dire wolves bears and beasts he can he manipulates some of the whites to stop. The Knight king and Bran have an all out war of the minds. Bran has his mind broken by the knight king. Finally as all hell is about to come to Westeros Dany arrives on Drogon and blasts the shit out of the white army. The Knight King kills Bran, gets his javelin and kills Verseries. Dany loses her shit! She and Jon do battle with the Knight king as most of the white have been destroyed by the dragons and the allies. The Knight King and Jon have a one on one Jon nearly cops it but is saved by Ghost. The whites shatter into pieces.

Episode four
Mourning of the dead etc. Sad times man sad times.

Her and Jon discuss his heritage. We see them grow together fall deeper in love. She realises how much she needs allies after losing her child.

Cersei and ‘Kyburn’ begin a dark plot. Kyburn begins to show her a path of peace. The mountain senses something is wrong. Jorah urges Cersei to speak with Tyrion.

Episode five

Dany and Jon arrive at Kings Landing. The armies move slowly down the Kings road.

The Golden Company line up outside the city. Cersei gives a speech to the city about forgiveness. She begs the city to stand by her. The city warms to her. Kyburn urges Cersei for peace. Cersei tells Tyrion that her people love her and she is the one true Queen. Cersei sends Tyrion away with a truce between Cersei and Dany to talk.

Episode five

The Allies arrive at Kings Landing. Cersei and Dany talk. Cersei allows some of the Unsullied Dothraki army into the city. Cersei agreeds peace terms with Dany. ‘Kyburn’ is beneath the city and a ‘whisperer’ tells him about the wild fire. But it’s too late. As Dany is leaving the inner city the wild fire blows up. The Unsullied and Dothraki are killed. Dany is mortally wounded. Jon flies in on Ragale and rescues her. The battle begins between the golden company and the remaining allies. Dany dies in Jon’s arms. Huge battle ensues. The city is taken by the allies after epic losses civilian and military. We have clegane bowl. Arya is badly hurt in the explosion but limps back to Cersei. There’s a trial for Cersei she is beheaded by Jon at Baylors keep.

Episode six

We see Jon become King to rule as Dany wanted. We see the re establishment of Kings Landing. The re shaping of the future. We also see the beginnings of a possible civil war as the different houses battle for their own power.

Episode seven

Jon struggles to maintain order. Tyrion uses his supreme mastery and diplomacy to settles differences for Jon. Civil war is avoided. We see Jon fly north on Drogon we see the rebuilding taking place of a empire ravaged by years of war. Final scene Jon sitting on top of the wall on Drogon overlooking the rebuilding of the wall.

Guys I know it’s got holes bigger than Hodor’s ass in it but I think if you give me a few million quid I could set aside sometime and beat it out some more. Love your work, your wonderful companions as I work in the gardens of south London. Take care and if you’re ever in the U.K. you’re welcome to crash at my castle.

All the very best

William Porteous Blyth

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