Shat on TV Game of Thrones – rewrite

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Hey Guys,

Long time listener; first time writer.

I just listened to your 806 deep dive and was intrigued by your proposition for rewrites. However, I feel that what’s done is done and there are plenty of seeds planted from the finale that could propel the story forward. Maybe you’d find some of these ideas interesting to discuss.

Like Matt B, I also agree that Bran as the Three-Eyed Raven might be up to more nefarious actions than he’s letting on.

Gene and other Bran defenders, I see your perspective; Bran was put through Hell on his journey to become the Three-Eyed Raven. But to be honest, we really don’t know the true nature of the Three-Eyed Raven and what his intentions for Bran were. Once Bran assumed the Three-Eyed Raven identify, Bran Stark ceased to be and Mira Reed calls it out when she leaves Bran at Winterfell. Mira tells Bran that he died in that cave because the person that remained is actually the Three-Eyed Raven (TER).

I think this would be a really interesting way to move the story forward as Big D alluded to during the deep dive. I would love to see a sequel in 8-10yrs that would pick up with the Stark characters.

Bran as the TER, could be plotting to keep Drogon in Essos during this time 8-10yr period. Drogon could start causing problems in the lands far east in Essos.

Bran, still manipulating in the background, sends for Jon Snow who is at the wall /north of the wall to “help” with Drogon. Jon as the only remaining person with “the blood of the dragon” may be the only one who could tame Drogon or get him into position to put him down if needed. It would be interesting to see Jon struggling with accepting his Targaryen side as over these last 8-10yrs, he’s only embraced his Stark/wolf/ice side. He would also need to face the pain again of killing Dany. If the show had more time to develop Jon’s love for Dany in the season 7 & 8, her death would have been more meaningful to me (Gene, I also agree with a lot of your ideas on expanding the last episode into an entire season 9 could have fixed some of these issues). This internal conflict could be great to see as Jon travels to Essos in pursuit of Drogon. We could also get more tension if Grey Worm learns that Jon is in Essos and decides to leave Namath in search to execute him.

For Arya, I’d like to see her as a master pirate from years sailing west of Westeros. (I think in the ASOIAF cannon, there is already a character that explored this area, but for sake of what’s mentioned in the show, we can leave this out). Maybe Arya only finds small islands for a while or gets stranded for some time during the 8-10yr gap. But, in general, we’re re-introduced to Arya as a master of the ocean (I like a possible pirate name of The Seawolf).

I always imagined Planetos as a sphere and that what was really west of Westeros is actually Essos. Arya could make that discovery if she encounters Jon in his search for Drogon in the lands far in the east of Essos.

Meanwhile, the TER has now isolated 3 key pieces that could present trouble for him as he begins his plot to dominate Westeros. It would be interesting to watch the TER manipulate Sansa, Tyrion, and the other Lords of Westeros into a position that he can seize full control of the 7 kingdoms. There are some theories that suggest that the TER is working with the children of the forest and they might be the actual enemy for Man. If this is true, Bran as the TER, could work to eliminate Man once and for all.

The TER’s knowledge could be used to create a new Night King that raises a new Army of the dead that begins to decimate everyone in Westeros. The plan could work for the TER because he’s moved critical weapons against White Walkers and wights out of the way: a dragon, the killer of the last Night King, and Jon (possibly fulfilling Azhor Ahai prophecy by killing his own Nissa Nissa aka Dany) far away in Essos.

Sorry for the long fan-fiction email, but I was inspired by your call for “crazy, out of the box” ideas on rewrites and figured what the heck!

I look forward to watching Watchmen and the new season of Westworld with you guys!

All the best,
Percussive Shock

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