Small Council

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Hey Guys,

Full disclsure – I’m not a die hard, book-reading, reddit posting Thrones guy, but I love the show. I haven’t heard much talk about what people think around how the Dany/Jon..erm Aegon conflict will be resolved. Episode 2 was entirely dedicated to dialogue and kumbaya… but not until the very end does Jon drop the news to Dany. That’s a very large pill to swallow and we get almost nothing in terms of feedback from her. Yes, she’s shocked… but I have a funny feeling that both Dany and Jon will survive Winterfell (although this: .. makes me think otherwise).

The writing for this show has been phenomenal, but I don’t see how an entire episode dedicated to the battle will have enough room to allow this conflict to be fully vetted. Actions speak louder than words, so maybe there is much left unsaid, but I feel like the show has built up both Dany and Jon so much that without actual resolution between the two, it would be a let down (possibly).

There has been a lot of discussion around Jenny’s song and most people think it’s foreshadowing Jon stepping aside to let Dany sit on the Iron Throne. I think the song depicts two major points, that Jon would need to do as well if the song plays a role. Firstly, Duncan gives up his right to the throne. Secondly, he does so to be with the woman he loves. If we think the song is a parallel between Duncan and Jon, then Jon and Dany need to live to continue their love, AS WELL as Jon stepping aside for his chick/aunt/lover to take the throne. If Jon or Dany die in battle then the song loses almost all of its value to the story.

I’m going out on a limb and saying they both survive the attack at Winterfell (maybe ride off on the dragons) and head south to Kings Landing to (insert any theory here).

I ask this of you – if Jenny’s Song has some greater importance, how does it get hashed out in the final season, if Jon OR Dany die?

Phil Morgan

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