Small Council Theory – Cersai White Walker + Battle Of Winterfell Fakeout

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Hey Guys,

I was listening to last weeks fan letter episode and the theory posed really stuck with me. Instead of just an attack on Winterfell in episode 3 -the army of the dead have 2 fronts and the Night King actually already moved south and the main attack is on Kings Landing (Night King’s landing). Another callback to the whispering wood trick. This theory helps along my brothers theory though it may be proven wrong in the first minute this weekend.

I had heard a Theory from my brother who came up with it while rewatching and preparing for this season but the idea was that Cersei would see her people and armies collapsing around her and would have Qyburn stick a dragon glass arrowhead into her heart turning her into a white walker to become the “night queen”. This Theory would make more sense if it happened earlier on in the season, so she could then square off against the army in the north as one of the white walkers with the army of the dead (and dead Golden company).

One problem with the night king as an enemy is he has 0 character development. But a White Walker Cersei really could embody an ultimate villain and leads to a full circle finale.

i think there is strong significance to the sword “widows wail”…its valyrian steel forged from “ice”, held by jaime, the supposed killer of cersei (if you subscribe to that existing theory based on the prophesy told to Cersei)…i cant think of more poetic way to kill cersei than if she were to turn her back on her house and continue her struggle for world domination. her most loyal subjects are the mountain(undead) and qyburn(worships dark magic). i can see her giving the order to qyburn to stick her with dragon glass after the armies start to fall to the night queen. then jamie will be forced to kill his widowed sister with the valyrian steel that was gifted by their father to their son.

Jaime has also made a statement that he came to winterfel to honor his commitment to “fight for the living” and it would be fitting that Cersei is literally choosing to fight for the dead.

Furthermore given that her entire family is dead and everything she’s ever loved is dead it would make more sense for her motivations to not be about the Lannister name like Tywain wanted, or ruling or even saving humanity. Her motivations at this point could really be just wanting to punish her enemies. So the desire to become a white walker does make some sense.

I was also thinking that on top of those theories and the question if she has just miscarried her baby there could be something there in her desperation to fight for the dead or even raise the dead.

I tried to keep this as short as possible, and left out a bunch of smaller theories my brother and I keep adding on, but the idea of this has me so excited I had to share. Been listening to you guys since season 1 of Westworld, keep up the good work!

-Jimmy (and Tommy)

Best Regards,
— Jimmy King

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