Something Bothering Me

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Hi guys,

I have to say first that I love your podcast. I joined you guys last year with Season 7. I’m writing this email because I’ve heard some of the comments you’ve received and I just have to say something because it’s getting under my skin. I’m not intending for this to go online or to be mentioned on the show, but you still deserve to know.

Earlier this season, Dany was called a brat and someone wrote into you and called it “casually sexist”. Show Dany has been a brat a few times. Yes, she’s had her hardships and has grown from them, but I feel as though she’s demanding people respect her without actually earning their respect. Maybe it’s just me, but I’ve always believed that respect, like trust, is something earned-not just given because you want it. Also, if we’re talking equality here, there were plenty of bratty male characters. Jon was a sullen brat who believed he was better than everyone at the wall. Joffrey was a sadistic brat. Theon was a punk-ass brat. This isn’t just something where the women are targeted. I think the difference we’re seeing here is that the characters I just mentioned have either died or have completed their character development and changed. Regardless, I believe you were justified in calling Dany a brat. She’s like Veruca from Willy Wonka “I don’t car how, I want it now”.

The other thing bothering me is that someone else called you sexist for calling Sansa’s decision to bring up the north during her conversation with Dany at that time “stupid”. Fact: it was. Yes, it’s a conversation that needs to be had, but there’s a time and place for everything and that wasn’t it. Your statement was completely taken out of context and twisted. That’s just 100% wrong. Leaders should be able to have their decisions questioned or called out if they are wrong. It doesn’t matter if they are male or female. Of course, this is fiction, but I feel these responses are indicative a larger issue in our society, but that’s not the point.

I’m sorry for the novel, but I really had to get this out there. Thank you for all the hard work you do. Keep it up! I look forward to hearing you guys later this week.


Samantha V

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