Taboo Timeline and James’ Mommies

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Hi Shatters, fan since Westworld, spreading the word and rating you up…
Here’s some timeline notes I took after cracking up hearing you guys debate James’ Mom situation ad nauseum (lo-f-ing-l-off!) today:
Per episode 1 Delaney returns to London after 10 years date is 1814
(Who had his horse waiting BTW?)
Anna aka Salish was James bio mom of Nootka descent went crazy and was commited to bedlam when he was very young.
We know this because when the east India fat cats are running down James’ resume (around 17:22) they say: “James exhausted father and his new bride commited James as a cadet to east India at the age of 11 In 1798” something to that effect…
In 1800 James went “bad” and did all that crazy navy shit like breaking necks etc. He was only 14 – impressive! I think I was skateboarding.
1802 James went to Africa at the age of 16
Now I have to think he was sailing back and forth London/Africa with his dad’s company and I think that’s when he did the even crazier shit of legends that the show keeps alluding to.
It’s about a 7 week trip to cross the Atlantic in the 1800’s so he could have made a few trips in that period. I also hypothesize this is when he started the Hankey Pankey with half-sis Charlie Chaplin’s super hawt granddaughter.
There was some ship hopping where James sailed on the Ship “Cabinda” to Cornwallis then was on the slave ship “Influence” to Antigua – the ship sank off the Gold Coast (Africa?) – theory wise I find it hard to believe James was taken slave, seems more likely he was leading or part of the crew. Might be interesting to look up those ship names to see if they are real ships?
Now, there’s this missing 10 years between James being 18 and 28 where he was presumed dead by his father and others in London, this has to be him voyaging to Nootka somehow to learn his ancestral tribal ways? Right? Unless his father taught him in those prior 2 years??
That’s all I have for now but some stray items:
Tom Hardy uses that accent all the time, not sure which shatter thought it was unfamiliar? He uses it in Bronson and Inception at least.
He shares brandy from the bottle in ep1 with the butler, though it looks like James is pretending to drink and Jeeves is pretending super-hard to drink the stuff (that guy is super shifty eh?) they make a big deal about the brandy so big D is onto something.
Something is up with the Red Powder he ceremonially
applies at his dads funeral, it freaks everyone out.
Did you guys see Franka Potente in the credits? Is she the whorehouse Madam? That’s cool, she’s from run Lola run and Bourne 1 – but you guys know that!
Loving the show and the podcast keep up the great work,
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The Cornwallis was the ship, not a place, and Cabinda was a place (in Angola) not the ship.