Tagged: LCC-S1E01

I’m Playing Catch Up!

Hi People! So, just like I mentioned in the subject line I’m playing catch up on Lovecraft. I’m going to go watch EP.3 RIGHT after I send you this email. I just listened to you two break down EP. 2 and I am SOOO HAPPY I found your podcast. I’ve...

Lovecraft Country Episode 3

Hi King Bee, Ashley, and Gene, Another really good episode of Lovecraft Country last night and a fun Twitch round up. Two things I would like to discuss, neither having much to do with the haunted house. First is when Hippolyta shredded George’s copy of Dracula. She was so angry...

1955 A Milestone Year

Back again folks on some local history about Chicago related to this week’s episode. I thought it was interesting that they referred to 1955 in the opening sequence.1955 saw the election of Richard J Daley, who was mayor of Chicago for the next 21 years. Daley is a controversial and...

More About Snake Dick

Hey Gene and Ash! I just wanted to say I had so much fun tonight! Thanks for reading my email, I was gushing! I also felt so welcome by you and everyone in the chat, thank you so much! I think I just have one more thing to say about...


Hi y’all, Listening to the podcast discussion of the overcrowding of topics in Lovecraft Country. The idea that dealing with Elder terror monsters and Jim Crow racism is too much for one show to fully confront. I think to understand the way the show is trying to tackle both these...

Feedback on Lovecraft Country Episode 2 Coverage

Hi Hosts! First time/long time Just wanted to offer some thoughts on a comment that Gene made during the episode deep dive. The reference to Atticus’ lineage going back to Titus and Hannah did not sit well, and I know that you had good intentions. My problem as you probably...

Snake Dick

Hi, ?I was a little taken aback by Gene and Ashley’s take down of snake dick. Animation aside, I thought snake dick was a reference to a painting we saw earlier in the episode. I assumed it was some famous gothic or renaissance painting that had some meaning behind it....


Hey Shat crew, I just wanted to point out an ommission from the recent podcast for Lovecraft Country e.2 “Whitey on the Moon”. When Gene and Ashley briefly discuss their displeasure with the snake penis scene, I feel like you guys didn’t mention the Garden of Eden stained glass window...