Tagged: Shogun World

Shogun World, A Westerners Perception Of Edo Era Japan

Guys (and Gal), I think the specific historical setting of Shogun World is at the START of the Edo period (early 17th century CE). As Big D mentioned on the Instacast, the Edo period is seen in Japanese history as a time of peace, stability and artist flowering, which resulted...

Westworld Predictions

Hey folks, It’s fun listening to ya, but still much more fun watching westworld. Just a couple predictions and thoughts. First Im fairly sure William was a doctor before he met Logan or at least he did something in medical science, not much evidence to support this just think i...

Mount Fuji On Westworld

Hi Guys, Long time listener first time writing in. I started listening to you guys when I first discovered Westworld after the 1st season finished. Little late to the the game, I know. But I binged all of season one over a few days. However Westworld is the kind of...


Gang, Been listening all season long (and throughout the first season). I continue to enjoy your consistently excellent and earnest work product. I truly loved this episode and sadly the couple of co-workers that had watched the show with me have tuned out and my girlfriend is not into the...

Westworld Episode 4 Review: "Riddle of The Sphinx"

Westworld Episode 4 Review: “Riddle of The Sphinx”

Westworld Episode 4 Review: “Riddle of The Sphinx” Westworld’s viewership is slumping, but our hearts are pumping. How can you not love a show that brings you horrifying glimpses of technological immortality? Or a show that examines time as a data point, rather than a linear absolute. This Deep Dive...

Predictive Analytics Debunked

Hey guys love the pod cast. It is my favorite Westworld podcast and lead me to start watching American Gods because of one of your other podcast. I do have to disagree with you on the thought that the true value of WW is predictive analytics. To achieve good results...

Episode 3 Notes- The ‘Symbol’ and Other Things

Hey Guys, The same symbol pops up three times – it’s on the map/notebook of the new guest character we meet in ‘Rajworld’ at the cold open of episode 3. The same symbol is also shown on the tablet after Bernard hacks the encryption key on Abernathy. I rewatched episode...

Westworld Episode 3

Hey Guys, I’ve always felt that for the costs involved to visit, a Wild West town is a bit campy for a well heeled visitor. But ok, I can get past that. However the market seems even smaller for Raj unless you’re an big fan of the early British empire....