Tagged: Um Actually


Joanna Robison from Vanity Fair confirmed it was indeed snow we saw during the finale. If you remember it was also snowing before and after the Battle of the Bastards but not during (for filing reasons) It was snowing because winter wasn’t over until the prophecy was fulfilled. Jon stabs...

Ummm Actually

I”m pretty sure that it was snow on episode 6. It”s not just that Drogon is covered in snow obviously. After Jon kills Dany & he”s lowering her to the ground a snowflake lands on Dany”s cheek. It”s a snowflake because it melts on her cheek. I don’t have an...


Hi, actually its a real name. Most known is * Mercédès, in the Alexandre Dumas novel The Count of Monte Cristo So no, not Shakespear but Dumas https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mercedes_(name) Great show btw Kalty, Prague

Um, Actually

Hey guys! After listening to the deep dive (great job, by the way) I just wanted to respectfully point something out to Big D. When Bran was chosen to become King, he pointed out that Arya was there when she shouldn’t have had a say – um, actually, she didn’t...

Ummm Actually.

Hey guys, when Gene was talking about John and Tyrion going up to the steps to meet Cersei, what he meant to say was, go meet DANY. Just kidding, everyone knows you meant Dany! if someone emails you again with a name correction as obvious as this, tell them to...

Snowing In King’s Landing

Hey Guys, I”m almost POSITIVE that it was snowing in Kings Landing. I’m not saying that there isn’t ash, but I don’t believe that it”s ash from falling the sky. I think it”s snow. I’m more convinced when Jon is walking to the Red Keep, and Drogon is under a...

GOT No Expectations

Hey guys, The major beef half the internet seems to have with the finale and last few seasons is pace. No matter how different or similar, the book’s version of the ending will be more developed. Hence better. Coming from someone who watched the show first. Big fan. Pumped for...