Tagged: Um Actually

Um Actually

Hey Guys, 1. Um actually- I think the little boy in the beginning was a direct call back to Bran, not Arya. You see the boy climb into the tree to get a better look of the host entering Winterfell. Bran is very well known to have been a climber,...

American Gods – Ummm, Actually…

Hey Guys, I have an “umm actually” regarding the deep dive for Season 2, Episode 2 of American Gods. Here it goes…. Regarding the sequence when Young Shadow Moon is naively prancing through the park listening to his walkman, introducing himself to strangers, and jamming with the bongo man….I have...


Hey Guys, Lock didn’t come back to life… His corpse was returned to the island, but it was the smoke monster that turned into Lock to impersonate him to fight Jacob… Since they couldn’t fight directly, this was the loophole… The Amazing JerBear

John Locke

Guys, Simply put, John Locke was killed by Ben Linus when he was trying to hang himself. Jack and co take his dead body back to the island when you then see him back alive, but really he’s the Man in Black. Remember the MiB can only inhabit dead bodies,...

Did Roger Even Watch Lost?

Hey Guys, Umm, actually, I know that the show ended a decade ago and I know this is a fabulous podcast about a fabulous show that’s not Lost, but the angels of my better nature have lost out and I can’t help but ask, Rog, did you WATCH Lost? John...

Maeve’s Violent Delights Have Violent Ends Too

Hey guys, new listener this season from Denmark, I am in love with your podcast! Thanks for widening my perspective on my favorite show. I noticed that Big D mentioned in the Deep Dive for “Kiksuya”, that we finally know how Maeve began her journey towards being conscious, since she...

Maeve’s Awakening

Hi guys, Just to let you know in this weeks deep dive you mention that Maeve doesn’t hear ‘these violent delights…’ as part of her awakening but I’m pretty sure Dolores says ‘these violent delights have violent ends’ to Maeve in series 1 outside the Mariposa. Keep up the great...

Umm, Actually…

Hey Guys, Umm, actually, this is only partially an “umm, actually”. I’m thrilled that you guys loved this episode as much as I did and thought the Instacast was excellent. That said, I had planned to add a snarky but good-natured addendum to this email to say that a great...