Tagged: Westworld Season 3
Hello Shatworld, While the post-credit scene implies Robo-William/MIB will become Chalotte’s henchman, I refuse to believe William is dead. His arc for season 3 was to recover from the death of his daughter, face himself and find his purpose. So, having him killed instantly makes no sense and also undermines...
Dear Shat Crew, I wanted to start by saying that I love all (or almost, sorry Taboo) of the Shat pantheon. I have been a loyal listener almost from the beginning. I love your content. Jean SJ warmongering, bring it. Mispronunciations, endearing! Culturally correct pronunciations of names et al… love...
Congratulations on the Westies, Shat people! That was a very fun podcast. I think Dick Ebert missed his calling as a rap star. I overlooked this when I was reading the nominations for voting, but then hearing you say it during the podcast, Delores’ stunning black-to-gold entrance to the party...
Greetings Shat crew – Your buddy Don Sauce here, contributor of successful write-ins such as the “Joy-Nolan smugness, etc.,” and unsuccessful ones such as losing count of Dolores’ brain balls. My b. I just wanted to belatedly update two votes: Best Technology: whatever it was that kept this snooze of...
Hi Engelbert, Tom and Elvis, Wow – I wasn’t expecting that much criticism on the Telegraph but I couldn’t argue with most of them. My feelings were mixed on the finale but perhaps I just got there a bit earlier? One of the most tantalising parts of Joy and Nolan’s...
More than 3,000 votes were counted, and Big D drank a half bottle of vodka to celebrate Season 3 of the “Shat on TV: Westworld” Westie Awards! This special (and strangely dark) podcast edition is a thank you to everyone who listened and supported Shat on TV this season. It includes winners for Best Future Tech, Best Dressed, Best of The Dolori, Best Use of Music, Most WTF Moment, Best Action Sequence, Wasted Talent, Best Plot Twist, Best Villain, and Most Shocking Reveal. Shat Nation also crowns the Season 3 MVP and debates who had the best motorcycle butt this year.
Hi all. I just want to preface this email by saying I liked Season 3 of Westworld. I would say its on par with Season 2. Season 1 for me is the pinnacle of TV for me and neither S2 or 3 come close. S3 does indeed have a lot...
No legacy is so rich as truth- Shakespeare Ashley you said on air that you’d be happy to have me read your dissertation. I sent you my address, but weeks have passed and no dissertation. There’s your legacy. As for Westworld, I find it to be beautifully stylized nonsense. It...