Tagged: William

Westworld Episode 9 Instant Take: “Vanishing Point"

Westworld Episode 9 Instant Take: “Vanishing Point”

Westworld Episode 9 Instant Take: “Vanishing Point”  The Penultimate episode of season two of Westworld focuses mainly on the troubled past of William (aka MiB) while explaining further details on Dr. Ford’s master plan. While Gene is on vacation in Chicago, Roger flies all the way to Florida in...

Westworld Episode 7 Theories: “Les Ecorches”

Westworld Episode 7 Theories: “Les Ecorches”

Westworld Episode 7 Theories: “Les Ecorches”  Episode 7 heats up the Westworld debate as listeners write in to argue Charlotte could be Charlie; Dolores and Maeve are conflicting views of feminism; Angela really could charm the grenade off a horny QA thug; artificial intelligence is just waiting to spring...

Get Your Tinfoil Out

Hope I’m doing this in time! Hello from The Hague, and thank you, guys! I enjoy listening to all three WW episodes each week 🙂 OK. Here is a potentially very tinfoily thing that I am not sure I am going to successfully explain. Are we very sure about Ford’s...

Mib Spark

Hey Guys, When Lawrence shoots the man in black, there’s a spark. As if the bullet hit something metal. Steven Milazzo

Let’s Make a Deal

Hey Guys, Let’s Make a Deal: I think MIB is a host. I mean this elderly gentleman has been shot 7 times this season and he is still moving around. I think MIB accuses Emily of being a host because he has seen his daughter die in the bloody bath...

Nitpicking Your Nitpicking

Hey Guys, First… I love all your Westworld podcasts. I look forward to and listen to all of them every week. I really wish everybody in my life was talking about Westworld this much. Ok… So… Nitpicking is a given on a podcast like this. And usually, I don’t mind...

Angela Is Way More Important To the Plot

Hey Guys, Angela is way more important to the plot than we are being led to believe. 3 host characters interact with humans and hosts on an admin-type level: Lawrence’s daughter, Akcheta and Angela. They are the only ones we’ve seen, so far, that can understand the difference between host...

Episode 7

Dear ShatonTV, Where to begin? I’m going to try to be positive, since this episode made me feel like I was being waterboarded with Benard. Look guys, not every episode is going to be a home run. I do think looking back on the season this will likely be the...