Tagged: WW-S1E09

How William Becomes Man in Black

Will have to digest this one in stages, excellent ‘cast. Interesting as usual, guys. A minor thought before a barrage of theoretical nonsense: I felt as though part of the Back to Black winkwink/nudgenudge was merely a reference to the prior version of the scene using Paint it Black. So,...

Maeve’s Army Will Include Delos Workers

Good Evening Gentlemen, In regards to Maeve’s army, I would suspect that with her heightened abilities, she has the ability to discern host from human. Combining this with the plausible assumption that there are hosts in the Delos facility, she could be trying to not only bring the hosts in...

The Center of the Maze Is Grief

Like you guys, I love the show and have a hard time not thinking about it. After last week’s episode, I have a theory about the center of the maze and the top of Arnold’s pyramid. When we first learned about Arnold, Ford told Bernard about the pyramid of consciousness....

Ford Is the Monster to Arnold’s Frankenstein

Howdy Y’all! Susie from Long Island again. So a couple of weeks ago I wrote in with my tin-foil hat theory that Ford was the Monster to Arnold’s Frankenstein …. and I’m back on this loop where I will discuss it again. In last weeks Telegraph, Big D made a...

When Was Bernard Created?

Hey guys, No conspiracy theory here, but just an observation. You were speculating last episode about when Bernard was created and if he was one of the older mechanical models. If you look at the technical drawings Teresa finds in episode seven, the drawing of Dolores shows her to be...

Did Arnold Exist as a Human?

Hey guys. I love the podcast and specifically how you relate it to real world events and technology. Also the different opinions and theories between you all makes the show very fun to listen to. Here’s one to debate. I’m starting to question more if Arnold even really existed as...

Westworld Timelines Surrounding Angela

On further review the hostess character has me mired in timelines. She greeted William (“Does it matter?”) helped him pick out his hat, so Hostess in 30 years past timeline. (I) She is the survivor of the Ghost Nation attack in the Tough Teddy/MIB timeline. (II) She is the Hostess...

Dolores and the First Settlement

I like Big D’s thought that Dolores’ flashbacks to the original settlement and the mass slaughter are from someone else’s perspective. I think it’s an important consideration based on the POV of the camera shot, as well as the theory that Arnold may have downloaded his conscious into some of...