Dolores and the First Settlement

Westworld Telegraph

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I like Big D’s thought that Dolores’ flashbacks to the original settlement and the mass slaughter are from someone else’s perspective.

I think it’s an important consideration based on the POV of the camera shot, as well as the theory that Arnold may have downloaded his conscious into some of the hosts.

If that is true, are we seeing, through Arnold’s POV, the first purge of the host’s free will from the park?

My theory is this” Arnold (who may be Bernard as seen in certain flashbacks) brought humanity to many of the hosts, likely Dolores first who then spread it through the original settlement.

Dr. Ford either did not support this and orchestrated the deaths of the original hosts, their reformatting, the destruction of the first town and the host’s relocation into new places and new narratives or Dr. Ford saw what free will did to the hosts, making them crazy and violent, and also witnessed his friend and colleague’s death or madness from it and had to take action by tightening his complete control of the park.

This will be amazing to see as Bernard, Maeve, Dolores, Teddy and others remember the past.

There are three big questions that will play significant roles as the final two episodes play out:

Is Dr. Ford aware of the free will creeping back into the hosts and the park, and if so, is he somehow orchestrating it and why?

What is Charlotte’s role in it” does she simply want the IP data or is she specifically trying to effect what is happening in the park, especially by choosing Peter Abernathy?

Are Wyatt and his frightening cult members experiencing free will as well, or are they being used by someone (like Ford) to target threats to the park? Keep up the excellent work!

Travis Mollohan
Morgantown, WV

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