Tagged: WW-S2E05


Hello, Fellas. Thanks for the shout out last week and a BIG thanks for props to the Preds! I have something a little different for you this week. I was screwing around on the Delos Destinations site and noticed that there is now a map of Shogun World tracking Maeve’s...

Theory On The Weapon On Westworld

Hi Regular listener to your excellent Westworld-podcast from above the arctic circle in Norway. Have a theory on what the weapon that Dolores/Wyatt is on about that tricles down to what happened to the hosts in the flooded valley. I think that it is a roos an an outmanuvre of...

Just Thank You.

Hey Shat On TV. I’m a long time listener never written in before. This isn’t a theory it’s just a thank you. I’ve suffered with depression for years now. I have really terrible lows where I can’t control my thoughts or take myself out of a negitive thinking pattern. For...

Westworld Theories Big And Small

I meant to get this email in before last weeks telegraph but wasn’t able to. Most of this is based on what we learned in “Riddle of the Sphinx”. First I’d like to discuss my thoughts and theory on William, James Delos and the Eternal Life project. To me the...

Machine Learning And Precognition

Hi fellow obsessive fans! Ok my email today is the result of a few things that have been swimming in my head combined with a listener email last week regarding chess. After researching the history of chess programmes I learned that a computer does not run through every possible permutation...

Gag Her Line

Hey Guys, Long time, first time etc. Big D… I think you completely missed the point of the “gag her” line. It was a joke. He couldn’t understand her or see her as a threat. He just wanted to shut her up. Like “stop this annoying woman talking”. CJ

Railroad Tracks

Hi Roger, Big D, and Gene: Love, love, love your podcast. I don’t miss one episode and feverishly wait for your new episodes shortly after each new WW offering. I was running today and re-listening to Big D and Gene ably go through the Deep Dive. I’m wondering if you...

WW Vs SW Characters

Guys, I think the comparison between the characters in WW and SW being in parallel roles is not quiet true. Maeve/Clementine vs Akane/Sakura – Geisha’s in Japan are not prostitutes but rather an entertainer. It takes years to train as a Geisha to learn to traditional dance and do things...