Machine Learning And Precognition

Westworld Telegraph

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Hi fellow obsessive fans!

Ok my email today is the result of a few things that have been swimming in my head combined with a listener email last week regarding chess.

After researching the history of chess programmes I learned that a computer does not run through every possible permutation and play the most favourable outcome as I initially thought a computer with today’s processing power and speed would do. Why? Simply because there are far, far too many outcomes. It would take a ridiculous length of time.

Now think about language.

How many permutations are required to map out verbatim a conversation with just 3 statements or questions and their subsequent answers? Let alone a long conversation?

This week’s episode we see Clementine mouthing her script alongside the her replacement. This was shown as a means of showing us that the hosts were seeing their loops. Fair enough, that is just scripted conversation between hosts, basic storytelling coding.

However last week we saw DDB being shown his entire conversation scripted after the event as a means of showing him the truth. Now you could argue William had to learn his end of the script in advance to get the DDB to say his part yes? Fair enough.

However when Mauve last season is looking to escape and is shown proof that she is still on programme she is shown everything she has/is saying. Her responses are in relation to unscripted words that a human is saying. This means that the human words also have to be pre-scripted or predicted in advance. This would equate to every human/host interaction in the park ever.

The computing power to do this would have to astronomical, you could argue quantum computing could do it but the computations make chess look like nothing.

I think this makes the case for their being a strong AI behind the scenes a lot stronger. The Arnold is an AI theory suddenly looks a lot more likely to me.

Following on from this I believe Dr Ford uploaded to this AI at the end of season 1. He is everywhere this season and there is only so much advance programming he could have done surely? It’s not a coincidence that Mauve now has the ability that only Ford had previously of voiceless commands to the hosts. I think he has gifted her this after she proved that she has really developed beyond her coding.

Ok mad tinfoil over for this week. Hope my email finds you well

Mike T

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