Tagged: WW-S3E07

Minority roles in Westworld

Hey guys, I’ve been a fan of your podcast since Season 1 of Westworld, first time writing in. If Rehoboam is the one controlling the underground crime market, I’m annoyed that even in the future, it seems like mostly black (or non-white) people are engaging in “criminal” activity” (ie Francis,...


Westworld Episode 7 Theories: “Passed Pawn”

“Westworld” Episode 7’s Telegraph has more laughs per minute than anything we’ve done this season. Listeners wrote and called in about Maeve’s story arc, the real Dolores Prime, illogical fight scenes, EMPs, passed pawns, and French accents. You guys really can’t let go of the accents. In this mailbag edition of Shat on TV, we also cover “Neuromancer,” exploding arms, minority roles in 2052, and whether Dolores and Maeve are just messing with each other. Also, Caleb takes center stage as Shat Nation points out similarities to Teddy and other clues to his purpose.

Stubbs Is Dolores

Hey guys! I’ve been thinking this for a while, but is it possible that Stubbs is the last Dolores? It’s weird how he just suddenly shows up when he’s needed to help Bernard. It would explain why the fight between him and Dolores was so crap. And most of all,...

Thoughts About Rohoboem: Motives for Murder

Hi, Just wanted to throw out some thoughts. If Rohoboem is so good at predicting what people will do, couldn’t it have anticipated that Caleb would take the tape off the hostage’s mouth – I mean, that level of curiosity should be something that Rohoboem should be able to anticipate...

Dumb Question? Maybe…

Dear Hosts, I’m going out on a limb here, so if I don’t hear this on the telegraph I’ll know it was a dumb question. But I might just blow your mind…so here it goes…. When did Dolores first come out to Caleb that she was a robot/host? I don’t...

The Valley Beyond

Hi All, Love the show, thank you much. I was thinking about all the worlds nested within worlds in the show and it got me thinking: (Seinfeld voice) What is the deal with the Valley Beyond? The Valley Beyond is nested inside the Forge that has all the Guest data....

Is Serac Even Real?

Hey Hosts! I’m going to make this quick because it’s already 11:30 on Wednesday here in SF, and I want to get this to you on time. Could Engerraud be a fragment of Jean Mi’s imagination/personality, since Jean Mi was schizophrenic? We aren’t certain if Engerraud is real since most...

Caleb, Eclipses and Other Musings

Hi guys, Just finished listening to the deep dive. Great analysis as always. Ashley, dont you be listening to those idiots regarding your voice, nothing wrong with it at all and I’m glad you don’t feel the need to swear every other word unlike some previous Shat on TV hosts!...