Tagged: WW-S4E02

Thoughts On S4 Opener

Hey guys, Just sending you a copy-paste of the reply I posted on YT, because I’m a lazy so and so. Two “WHOA”s from Gene.[??] How will they portray that? I don’t know either, but that is the challenge that all great artists rise to. In my mind I’m reminded...

Low Budget Westworld

Hey There, Planning to view previous seasons to verify this … want to know if other viewers see this season as – cheap. Lots of inauthentic backgrounds Just a thought Thank you for paying attention to our thoughts. Amber M

The Elephant And The Stick

Hi again. Just a thought as to why the seasons might be changing in the way they do. Could it be so that we never become accustomed to one world? Remember the tale about the elephant that became accustomed to the fact that he was unable to pull up the...

Westworld Season 4 Theories

Hello Hosts, Two half-baked theories for your consideration: The most direct indication that Christina is living in a simulation is the way her environment fades away after she’s assaulted/sliced by her stalker. With the numerous references to tabs, I’m wondering if what we saw in that scene was the dissolution...

Westworld Premier!!

Shat crew, Please I want to know what happens? Teddy always dies and then copies are all around…and then the man in black is still around?! He is still in between real life and robot life. “Watch out here I come” should be the man in black’s slogan. I agree...