Team Bilquis

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Dear devout deep divers-in,

I almost didn’t have anything to add to your fine podcast, but I think Bilquis still needs more love. I even saw people refer to her as (gasp!) minor character, so I’m glad you appreciate her more. Now, can we please mention her importance in explaining how the power of gods works in this world, and that not only entities we usually consider to be gods fall into this category? After all, who would pray to Queen of Sheba? Somewhere between the idea of sacred prostitution and lust as the impulse that people will always pursue, she seems to be the perfect vehicle to illustrate how in this age of technology old deities might still be here, even without actual direct followers. Considering how confusing the show is to complete newcomers, I think she’s quite essential. And while I wasn’t much impressed by the montage scene, after episode 2 I started to see her not simply as a predator, but as a vampire-type character, powerful, eternal, yet haunted by the fact that her existence depends on destruction of others. Unless she’s just crying for her past glory. Both acting and filming make me excited to find out. Unfortunately my theories as to her origin are way too spoiler-y, so I’m gonna keep them to myself. As always, thanks for your hard work and food for thought.


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