The Ever-So-Combustible James Delos

Westworld Telegraph

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Hey guys,

Really enjoying the podcasts this season, hopefully this will add to the conversation. I’ve voluntarily removed myself from Reddit during the season. It turns into a hive-mind discussion with too much snarkitude for my taste. Much prefer the ShatOn crew for intelligent discussion. Hopefully someone hasn’t beat me to this yet.

A few interesting points about James Delos and the MiB (from here on defined as William).

*In season one, a guest tells William how it was an honor to meet him because his company had helped save a family member’s life. William promptly tells the guy to fuck off because he is on his vacation.

*From S02E02, we are led to believe that James Delos is dying from some ailment that has as a side effect a chronic cough

*When in the “containment cell”, we see James Delos hop off the exercise bike and promptly fire up a cigarette. This tells me that it is most likely he originally died from lung cancer, emphysema, or a similar condition.

*James Delos tells us he cut off funding for the disease he was suffering from “fifteen years ago.”

*James Delos has been consciously burned to death at least 149 times. Hence, in a “hell of his own making”

All of that just to say this – William has watched James Delos cut funding to the research that would help many others, possibly because he was promised a new body and mind by William. In a selfish move, maybe he didn’t want to spend the money on a venture where he would receive no benefit. Hence, a selfish and veritable shithead.

Upon seeing Delos’ selfish attitude (ie firing up a cigarette in his new body) William decided to use him as a guinea pig for the consciousness-transfer experiment, while resuming the research that Delos de-funded years ago. I know that yes, William smokes, but perhaps it was Delos’ own selfishness that caused William to realize he wouldn’t be the kind of person who deserved to be “brought back”. William accepts his own mortality in a way that James Delos did not.

Damn, spent my entire lunch break typing this out, hope it makes sense. Maybe I’ll send a follow up if I didn’t articulate clearly why William has been burning Jim Delos alive for the last decade or so.

James Delos – a cocksure shithead, just like Logan, another cocksure shithead.

God I hope this makes sense!

Justin G

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