The Long Night Feedback, Theories And Predictions

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Hey Guys,

In terms of The Long Night – I absolutely loved it. Some argue it was fan service – I’m a fan, I feel serviced, I’m very happy with that episode.

Those who didn’t like it seem to be arguing that The Night King and White Walkers should have been the shows big bad, the final boss battle – but I disagree. When we first HEAR about Walkers it is that they are a myth, a bed time story to scare children. The first time we SEE a White Walker it is killed by SAM! Samwell Tarly – the single most useless fighter in the show who gave away a Valeryan steel sword coz it was too heavy for him to wield – killed a white walker….BY ACCIDENT! How much of a threat were we supposed to take these for? Every time we’ve seen them and our heroes have come into contact with them, they have managed to kill some and only fled due to sheer numbers. The Walkers themselves, not a big threat beyond raising the dead to fight for them. Who have white Walkers killed? Some of Crastors babies, Hodor and Thoros of Mear?

The REAL Big Bad has killed Kings, Hands, Lords, Ladies, Septums, Sparrows, Dire Wolves….the real big bad has ALWAYS been Cersie Lannister.

The other big criticism is that Arya didn’t EARN her kill and that Jon should have done it. Anyone who thinks Jon is the main character of this show hasn’t been paying attention. Since Episode 1 it’s been about Arya and Bran. Arya is a great fighter, Bran wants to climb high and watch from afar, Sansa wants to be the regal lady. Nothing in the show has shown us that has changed. Arya’s entire journey was leading up to this was learning the skills to defend and revenge her family. Arya and Jon were standing in the exact same spot when Arya snuck up to him two episodes ago and we had the foreshadowing dialogue Jon: “how did you manager to sneak up on me?”
Arya: “how did you survive a knife to the heart?”
Jon: “I didn’t”
Standing in that exact same spot, Arya snuck up to the Night King and he also didn’t survive a knife to the heart….

Melisandre has told us, and now reminded us, that Arya will kill brown eyes, blue eyes and green eyes. Green Eyes is clearly Cersie. The last name on her list who she has been telling us she will kill since, what, season 2?

Much like Ned claiming the throne and handing it to Robert, I think we’ll see Arya claming the throne for her family and Sansa sitting there at the end.

Varys also once asked what if the kingdom was ruled by a just woman and a wise man, or something along those lines. We keep hearing that the series will end in a bitter suit moment. Could that be The White Wedding, after Red and Purple and numerous forced marriages, could we end the show with Sansa and Tyrion joining the Lannisters and Starks together and rulling the 7 kingdoms together, bittersuit as it’s come at the cost of Jon, Jaimie, and numerous others by the end of the show. Or perhaps we see the first season suggestion of Ned’s daughter marrying Robert’s son and we have an Arya and Gendry wedding (although that seems less likely)

Either way I’m expecting a “happy-ish” ending, one of our heros (not Jon) on the iron throne but in the shadow of much death and destruction.

I had a lot more thoughts but they are all over the place and involve a dozen different prophicies they dont possibly have time to address in the final 220 minutes of this show.

Thanks for the podcast! Loving it!


Chris B in Scotland.

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2 Responses

  1. Gene Lyons says:

    I fell in love with “Game of Thrones” because of the fight between houses and the experiences of the characters. Dragons and the Night King always felt like a distraction. I’ll be happy to return to a fight between the great houses of Westeros.

    • Kenny P says:

      Boom… There ya Gene. Bottom line is the show has changed and evolved. I know people want something and they gave you something no one predicted….to answer though… I was seriously shocked when cersei blew up the sept. There were moments last season i was shocked..not by a death but by other events. Its still the best show, and its not close.

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