Thoughts On S4 Opener

Westworld Telegraph

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Hey guys, great to have you back and great to have the show back, just thought I’d share my thoughts on what we observed in the season opener. Based upon Lisa Joy saying the show was more straightforward, I think we can assume that Teddy is in the sublime, and therefore Dostina is also. 8 years have passed, in the real world, and who knows how many in the sublime, so it;s not hard to imagine that the world built in the sublime has surpassed our own evolution, but with lessons learned. The technology to create the park, therefore will be present in the sublime, so Bernard would have no trouble recreating Dolores as Christina. As to the narratives that Dostina, and her colleagues, create. I think it could be some sort of VR access to the sublime, for real world people. Peter could be a NPC, but he could also be a player. Alternatively, the sublime is such a wonderful place that nobody questions their reality, and in fact, everybody is just writing narratives for each other, at the whim of some Rehoboam type creation. There is a shot in the opening sequence: Can we talk about the new title sequence???? : westworld ( which, if you look at it through my eyes, looks a little bit like lots of people sitting in front of a screen. A hive mind connected by the stories we write for each other. As always I start out [relatively] sensible, then end up in godknowswhereville.

Keep up the good work and for gods sake try to enjoy the show on first watch. Even if it lessens my enjoyment of the instacast.

Love to you all Stan

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