Tyrion Is the Most Human

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Hey guys!

As I sit here trying to process this episode I can’t help but feel some sort of peace with how everything went down. I know this is a knee-jerk reaction and my own take on an instacast, but I am overall happy with the ending. I just wanted to take a second and give Tyrian some love.

First off, I love how much of the episode was centered on Tyrian”s point of view. Tyrian has been a character that through it all, we still love. He has never shown a side of truly evil or truly good. Instead, he”s shown the most humanistic response to all the problems that have befallen him. Yes, killing your murderous abusive father and cheating lover isn’t a great thing, but it wasn’t like we all weren’t cheering him on and gunning for Tywin”s death. Although the smallest character, he casts the biggest shadow. He always has been the one to stand up and share his opinion, insight, or insult. For example, he stood up to Joffrey at the battle of blackwater, he stood up to his father when he accused Tyrian of treason, and he stood up to Daenerys in light of the massacre at kings landing. He has always been the one that does the thing that we- as the audience- are yelling at the TV. When I saw Dany and heard her telling her troops about how the war was not over, I really thought he was gonna walk up and stab her in the back- another Lannister prophecy fulfilled. Instead, he stood up to her even though he knew it would lead to his demise. I really believe this episode showed Tyrian as such a dynamic character and an overall leader. I was happy the lords didn’t choose him to be the new king, but was very pleased he was going to be the hand.

Second, although it was Jon who stabbed Dany, it was Tyrian who used inception on him to plant this idea. Tyrian is I”ll admit, a bit of a weasel, but not in the same way that littlefinger was. He has used his sweet-talker ways to get himself out of trouble, but also in order to spare others. One of the biggest take-aways from Jon”s life has been Ned Stark”s words “the man who passes the sentence should swing the sword.” It truly came into play here and even if he didn’t know it at the time, he triggered this response inside of Jon. Thus enacting a result for the good of everyone- not just himself. He could”ve begged Jon to plead with Dany for his life, but that is not who Tyrian is.

Lastly, am I ecstatic that Bran ended on the throne? No. Am I angry? No. I am more ambivalent about the whole thing. I am more curious to know what was said in those private conversations between Bran and Tyrian in the earlier episodes. I am not saying this is a conspiracy theory and they planned it, but who knows.

All in all, this episode gave me the closure I needed as they wrapped up the whereabouts and arcs of our favorite characters. It was an episode with ups and downs, and some time lapses that were barely addressed, but overall what a great ending to it all.

Thank you guys so much for the podcast and all the work you put in!

-Bethany Driggers

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