Varys On the Iron throne

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Game of Thrones is back. Not to say we haven’t loved all of the super-fantasy dragons, undead armies, spell-casting and resurrections. But we are finally back to squabbling houses all in contention for one thing. The Iron Throne.

Right out of the gate (post funeral pyre) Houses Targaryen, Stark, Lannister, Greyjoy, and Baratheon are spinning the wheel with shaky alliances and mirrored interests.

But who is the one not serving a house, or any sort of self interests? Varys. Varys who has no house name, who has worked harder for his position than anyone else is planning treason and possible regicide. But does he actually want Jon on the Iron Throne? I say no. You may remember in season two when Littlefinger and Varys are having a make shift game of whits in the throne room at Kings Landing. Varys says, “I must be the only man who doesn’t want to sit on the Iron Throne.” We are lead to believe he truly doesn’t want it UNTIL, season 4. In season 4 he is speaking with Oberyn Martell before Tyrion’s Trial. Oberyn asks about his interest, and Varys stares straight at the Iron Throne, and back to Oberyn. Later on, after Oberyn’s head weighed a few pounds less, Varys forged an alliance with the Sand Snakes. You know, the Martells, the only house that ever repelled the Aegon hundreds of years ago, and was cheated the most in Robert’s Rebellion. Not to mention, Daenerys does not have an heir. Jon is the only other Targaryen with a claim, but we all know how Starks fair in the South, just as Varys knows. He is waiting as the patient Spider that he has always been, and he is playing Tyrion out of his job by telling him. When Tyrion tells Dany, she won’t believe him because of all of the misfortunes he has brought her single-handedly. He is my new bet for sitting upon the Iron Throne; however, his reign will not be long.


Daenerys is willing to strong arm her nephew-lover, and burn a city to the ground for her selfish gain, just like her father. Jon has managed to become even worse at politics than we every thought possible. Sansa has become the LittleFinger of the North while also being the world’s biggest nark (seriously, her dad kept his mouth shut for 20 years, and she spilled the beans in 24 hours). Arya, stayed loyal to her family as she always has, but obviously has one interest in mind, which is to kill Cersei; my bet is this will backfire on her. Greyworm had his heart torn out, and kept his composure better than most would in that situation. Oh and Rhaegal got got.

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3 Responses

  1. Bryce (OP) says:

    In light of tonight’s huge episode that is coming on in just a few hours, I was hoping to start a discussion about who everyone thinks will be sitting on the Iron Throne. While I still think Varys has an amazing shot if he plays his cards right, I can still see Gendry, Jon and Cersei at the top. We all know Dany is going to die, but I am willing to hear arguments in her favor lol

    • Gene Lyons says:

      Wait, how do we know Dany is going to die?

      • Bryce says:

        She is way too good of a character to not die, sure a little on the ‘mad’ side of things lately.But that is going to be the ultimate heartbreak that the D’s and George give us. Worse than the RedWedding, Hands of Gold, Jon’s first death, Hodor, all of them won’t compare to when Dany actually bites the dust. It is too big of a deal not to do it in my mind.

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