Waste Of An Episode

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To Gene and Big D,

This episode was very disappointing to me because there are recurring themes that will not come to a close. Daenerys cannot learn from her mistakes, she has lost two dragons, Jorah and Missandei.. to what end? Her character does not grow or develop. I listen to the song Mhysa and it represents to me what she could have been. Daenerys cannot defend herself, she can’t learn to protect her own children. Does she not know the meaning of armor? Armor should be built for her dragons to at least protect their chest and forehead, that happens in Eragon and it’s a smart thing to do. She has lost her two most valuable advisors and now she only has one dragon. She is an egotistical idiot. I do believe in destiny, but destiny only happens when the appropriate steps are taken. She is only destined to take the Iron Throne if she is smart with allies and weapons. The Red Woman finally learned that Jon was the promised prince, that was destined to happen, but only because the Red Woman learned that to be true. If she stayed with Stannis till the end, she would have died and Jon would have ended up dying too. Daenerys was supposed to hatch those eggs but that doesn’t mean anything unless you know how to be cautious and smart with the dragons. She keeps thinking she is invincible no matter how many people die. She thinks because she is “destined” to take the throne, that she cannot die. But Daenerys by herself is helpless and when everyone around her dies, so does her destiny.

Jon is now officially a lovestruck (nephew) and thank god Sansa and Arya picked up on it. I did not care for how Jon was acting in this episode. “Men do stupid things for women.” Sansa totally foreshadowed that. I am pissed at Jon and Dany.

Everything with Bron annoyed the shit out of me. Just send Arya after him and be done with that bullshit. Maybe Arya should kill Bron, take his face and kill the queen.

What the fuck is with Jaime? Is he really going back to save Cersei? I don’t fully believe he is because why else fight the white walkers? And ALSO she was going to have him killed. Jaime has changed, Brienne stood by him and she saw it for herself.

The battle strategies in these last two episodes are driving me out of my mind. They fight the night king and both dragons live, but then within 30 seconds of screen time of them not even near Cersei yet, a dragon dies. The World Threat couldn’t do it, but a dumb ass pirate could? Really? I felt that to be pretty piss poor. Dany should have waited to let her INJURED dragon heal. ALSO, how did the Night King’s dragon fly perfectly fine if it had holes in its’ wings, but Rhaegal was struggling? Plot hole. Dany was an idiot to say to go now. Yes her enemies are building strength but sending your injured, depleted forces to fight will only end in disaster.

After fighting the Night King and ending him, I was hoping for an intense night mission to go kill Cersei. Why not have Dany fly in at night, with black armor to help the dragon and her blend in, and burn all of the weapons meant to kill the dragons? And then send in Arya to kill Cersei?

This. Episode. Was. A. Waste.

My best regards to you men, do you feel the same at all?

Merry Traveling-

Kara (care-a) from Utah

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