We Have Already Been Given All the Clues To Solve the Westworld Puzzle.

Westworld Telegraph

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Hey Guys,

At the point of season 2 episode 8,with only 2 episodes to go based on this series and other similar shows we can say that either overtly or directly been shown how the show will wrap up and has already planted ideas and rules for the world to come. Now throughout the Westworld story we are told close to nothing about the what I will call the real world. We are however shown how other contained world’s like shotgun and the Raj even to how I think it’s going to end, in a cradle like matrix simulator. Not based on host back ups but through the show we are told delos has been recording guests and copying them according to Bernard and Ford’s conversation in episode 7. With this episode dropping even more clues with lines from Aki like when he’s talking to the village elder woman he says I know a place where our memories will be safe and offers to take them there.

Aki and Ford always mention another world never The REAL world. Also I thought about how does this theory work while leaving Bernard behind for season 3 and how would that work. I think it was shown to us that Bernard’s mind is fragmented and that only happens when a hard drive adds and removes a large amount of data. How great would the reveal be since we have been shown Ford sharing Bernard’s mind, well Bernard’s personality or data has already escaped to the valley beyond with all the hosts which houses all guests back ups and Ford is left in the 2 weeks later timeline and will gradually decay. I know the final episode is called the passenger and this usually can be pointed to in multiple situations in each episode. I think this will be Ford’s final sacrifice for the hosts. It also allows for the various actors and actresses to reprise roles instead of recasting uploading hosts brains into premise guest bodies would do. Tell me I’m not crazy.

Eternal Consciousness

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