Wun Wun Is Not a Wight

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Hey again, guys!

First, I’d like to apologize. I said I had to correct you, and now I need to correct myself because I didn’t do it properly. There have been, in fact, six cold opens to date, not four as I said on the email earlier this week. They are:

  1. Pilot episode, with the Night’s Watch rangers going beyond the Wall to find that the White Walkers had returned.
  2. Season 3 premiere, with Samwell Tarly running to the Fist of the First Men (and sbsequently launching the Old Bear into the “you had one job” meme).
  3. Season 4 premiere, with Tywin Lannister melting down Ice, Ned’s greatsword, to reforge it into Widow’s Wail and Oathkeeper.
  4. Season 5 premiere, with the Cersei visiting Maggy the Frog to find out about her future
  5. Season 6 episode 7, when we find out that the Hound is still alive.
  6. Season 7 premiere, with Arya mass murdering the Freys while the entire planet cheered. (I highlighted the ones I’d left out on my first email.)

I want to apologize again for the mistake, and also for seeming too much “hm, actually”! I got carried away by the moment with the new episode (both the show and the podcast), and just felt like writing right away. I’ll try to make more sense on the upcoming weeks.

Now, to comment on what you guys said on the Deep Dive.

Wun Wun is not a wight

I strongly believe none of the giants there were Wun Wun. Jon Snow was at Winterfell when Wun died, I’m sure he would’ve ordered the bodies to be burned just in case, even they being south of the Wall. Plus, Wun Wun was shot on his right eye, and the eye that is missing on the giant whom the camera closes up on is the left eye. I also didn’t see any grass, only frozen ground, so I cannot agree that it’s a future vision, or that it’s south of the Wall… I did see, however, that the giant on the left of the camera has a giant bow! And we’ve seen that the range of those things is pretty high…

Jon is right

Regarding the sibling argument we see in the great hall of Winterfell, I’m sided with Jon on this one. Sansa wants to do with the Umbers and Karstarks the same thing that was done with her because of Ned’s trangressions. I don’t know if she is doing that deliberatly or if it was a lapse of memory due to all the damage the Boltons (whom Umbers and Karstarks allied with) inflicted upon her. That being said, Jon was a dick when he refused to see that listening to her would be a smart thing to do (listening doesn’t mean acquiescing every time). What we can take of the scene is basically: they should have “small council” meetings before discussing these things in front of everyone.

The Hound feels remorse

About the Hound, you mentioned that he’s starting to feel remorse, and it makes perfect sense, given where he starts the story and where he’s at now; that not necessairly has to do with his finding of religion. And he totally saw the season 7 trailer on the flames =) And Cleganebowl-speculations aside, I just don’t see what the Mountain would be doing at Eastwatch-by-the-Sea (Cersei wouldn’t send him there, and she most definetly wouldn’t go there herself).

How to kill a White Walker

To clarify the methods of killing army of the dead associates: wights are only killed for real by fire (as seen on Season 1, when Jon kills the wights at the Wall, and the very same Season 3 cold open when the Lord Commander sets fire to the wight that’s crawling towards Sam); White Walkers are killed by dragonglass and valyrian steel, as we know, but unnafected by fire (remember the Hodor episode, the Night’s King just stepped through the flames, creating a path for the wights to infiltrate the Three Eyed Raven’s hideout). Speaking of which, yeah, I do believe that, once again, Bran will cause the downfall of a lot of people he cares about (I wonder if the Night’s King see him the same way Laura sees Shadow Moon).

Global warming

I hadn’t heard the theory that the whole point of GoT/ASoIaF was a warning about global warming. Interesting point, and if that’s really the case, kudos to George RR Martin for thingking about it way back in 1991, when he first started writing the novels; I haven’t looked into it, but I assume there wasn’t as much information about the subject as we have today.

To finish, let me just say you are on point with the “Cersei dooming everybody after making an alliance” plot. Rumor has it that this is exactly what she’ll do at the end of the season: send everyone to fight teh White Walkers and hope that everyone dies and she sticks to the Iron Throne.


Thiago W.

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